Outdoor Activities

Pioneer Era Games Laura Ingalls May Have Played

Pioneer Era Games Laura Ingalls May Have Played

Have you ever wondered what games pioneer children played? Laura Ingalls Wilder describes many games and activities in her books, and research shows us a few other games that children played during this era. Here you’ll see a full list of games and activities from the “Pioneer Era” that require either easily made items or no equipment...

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Little House on the Prairie Treasure Box Summer Activity

Little House on the Prairie Treasure Box Summer Activity

Each had a box to keep her treasures in. Charlotte and the paper dolls lived in Laura’s box, and Mary’s quilt blocks and her scrap bag were in Mary’s box. —On the Banks of Plum CreekEveryone loves a treasure box full of mementos of good times to remember. This summer start a new family adventure by creating a treasure box and filling it...

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