dinner recipe

Country Ham with Cranberry, Mint and Brown Sugar Glaze

Country Ham with Cranberry, Mint and Brown Sugar Glaze

You can’t beat hickory-cured ham. —Little House in the Big WoodsIn Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods, Pa and Uncle Henry butcher a wild pig. It’s fascinating to read how not one piece of the pig is wasted. Remember when Pa takes the pig’s bladder and blows it up like a balloon? It may sound gross to us today, but the...

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Pan Fried Fish Fillets with Lemon Dill Sauce

Pan Fried Fish Fillets with Lemon Dill Sauce

Laura and Pa went back to the house, carrying those flopping fish. Ma’s eyes were round when she saw them. Pa cut off their heads and stripped out their insides and showed Laura how to scale fish. He scaled three, and she scaled almost all of one. Ma rolled them in meal and fried them in fat, and they all ate those good fish for supper…...

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Little House on the Prairie Cinnamon Chicken

Little House on the Prairie Cinnamon Chicken

In a classic episode of “Little House on the Prairie,” (Back to School Part 2, Season 6, Episode 2) Laura offers to cook dinner for a special date between Nellie and the handsome bachelor in town, Almanzo Wilder. Nellie’s not the only one with her eye on Almanzo, so Laura has an ulterior motive. She wants to end things between Nellie...

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