
Simple Molasses Cookie Recipe

Simple Molasses Cookie Recipe

Ma was busy all day long, cooking good things for Christmas. One morning she boiled molasses and sugar together until they made a thick syrup, and Pa brought in two pans of clean, white snow from outdoors. Laura and Mary each had a pan, and Pa and Ma showed them how to pour the dark syrup in little streams on to the snow. They made...

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Sweet Potato and Root Vegetable Bake

Sweet Potato and Root Vegetable Bake

Mr. Edwards was taking sweet potatoes out of his pockets. He said they had helped to balance the package on his head when he swam across the creek. He thought Pa and Ma might like them, with the Christmas turkey. There were nine sweet potatoes. Mr. Edwards had brought them all the way from town, too. It was just too much. Pa said so....

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Heart-Shaped Cakes Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Heart-Shaped Cakes Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Those stockings weren’t empty yet. Mary and Laura pulled out two small packages. They unwrapped them, and each found a little heart-shaped cake. Over their delicate brown tops was sprinkled white sugar. The sparkling grains lay like tiny drifts of snow. The cakes were too pretty to eat. Mary and Laura just looked at them. But at last...

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Baked Beans Recipe Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Baked Beans Recipe Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

I’m glad I put beans to soak last night,’ said Ma. She lifted the lid of the bubbling kettle and quickly popped in a spoonful of soda. The boiling beans roared, foaming up, but did not quite run over. ‘There’s a little bit of salt pork to put in them too,’ Ma said. Now and then she spooned up a few beans and blew on them. When their...

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Making Homemade Butter With Kids

Making Homemade Butter With Kids

At first the splashes of cream showed thick and smooth....After a long time, they began to look grainy. Then Ma churned more slowly, and on the dash there began to appear tiny grains of yellow butter. — Little House in the Big WoodsIn Little House in the Big Woods, Laura recalls how she and Mary would help Ma make homemade butter. Not...

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Old-Fashioned Farmer Boy Ice Cream Recipe (With Blueberry Variation)

Old-Fashioned Farmer Boy Ice Cream Recipe (With Blueberry Variation)

'Let’s make ice-cream!’ Royal shouted. Eliza Jane loved ice-cream….They set the pail in a tub and packed the snowy crushed ice around it, with salt, and they covered it all with a blanket. Every few minutes they took off the blanket and uncovered the pail, and stirred the freezing ice-cream. —Farmer BoyIf you’ve ever made ice cream by...

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Cranberry Jelly Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Cranberry Jelly Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Laura did not need to be called next morning. She was up at dawn, and all day she helped Ma bake and stew and boil the good things for next day’s Christmas dinner. Early that morning Ma added water and flour to the bread sponge and set it to rise again. Laura and Carrie picked over the cranberries and washed them. Ma stewed them with...

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Tomato Ginger Preserves Recipe

Tomato Ginger Preserves Recipe

All day long while the girls were in school, Ma made preserves of the red tomatoes, of the purple husk tomatoes, and of the golden ground-cherries. She made pickles of the green tomatoes that would not have time to ripen before it froze. The house was full of the syrupy scent of preserves and the spicy odor of pickles. —Little Town on...

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Homemade Apple Turnovers

Homemade Apple Turnovers

Eliza Jane opened the dinner-pail on her desk. It held…four delicious apple turnovers, their plump crusts filled with melting slices of apple and spicy brown juice. —Farmer BoyApples were a popular fruit for many pioneers because they stored well and could be used in a variety of ways. Every respectable pioneer garden would have...

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Make Your Own Old-Fashioned Rock Candy Recipe

Make Your Own Old-Fashioned Rock Candy Recipe

When all the trading was done, the storekeeper gave Mary and Laura each a piece of candy. They were so astonished and so pleased that they just stood looking at their candies. —Little House in the Big WoodsRock candy or sugar candy has been around for centuries, so it’s almost certain that Laura and Mary would have seen something...

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