I met my first book crush when I was seven. He was handsome and courageous, driving Laura home every week from the depressing (and dangerous) Brewster’s house. He was quiet, but when he did speak, he always said the perfect thing. Almanzo Wilder was the multi-talented...

Melanie Fishbane
Melanie holds an M.F.A. in Writing for Children and Young Adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts and an M.A. in History from Concordia University. With over 17 years experience in children’s publishing, she lectures internationally on Laura Ingalls Wilder. A freelance writer and social media consultant, Melanie teaches English at Humber College in Toronto. Her first novel based on the teen life of L.M. Montgomery will be published in 2017 under the Razorbill imprint, a division of Penguin Random House of Canada.