In mid-February 1931, Laura Ingalls Wilder found a surprise in her rural Missouri mailbox—a letter from New York publisher Alfred A. Knopf. Opening the letter, Wilder discovered that editor Marion Fiery, the head of the children’s department at Knopf, had very much enjoyed her manuscript “When Grandma Was a Little Girl” and wanted the author to expand it by 15,000 words. It must have shocked Wilder because she had no idea what the editor was talking about.
Wilder could only guess that it had something to do with her adult autobiography Pioneer Girl, which her daughter Rose Wilder Lane had edited three times and was then trying to sell to magazine publishers in New York City. As vaguely and politely as she could, Wilder wrote Fiery that she had “many more memories of the days of my story and am sure I can make it the length you wish.” And then she waited. What was her daughter up to? Wilder had told Lane that she did not want to turn her autobiography into fiction, whether for adults or children, but she also knew that Lane had a mind of her own.

Laura Ingalls Wilder (Source: HHPL)
The contrast between these two remarkably different women—Wilder and Lane, mother and daughter, rural newspaper columnist and nationally established novelist, author, and editor—provides all the drama in Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. About a week after Wilder heard from Fiery, a long letter from Lane arrived in Wilder’s mailbox. Lane painstakingly explained that she had run a portion of Pioneer Girl through her own typewriter one last time, creating a picture book that “strung together” the stories of Wilder’s father, Charles P. Ingalls. She did not explain when or why she had done this, but simply directed her mother to a carbon copy of a twenty-one-page manuscript in the file cabinets on the sleeping porch at Rocky Ridge Farm near Mansfield, Missouri.

Rocky Ridge Farmhouse (Source: SDHS Press)
Hoping to avoid conflict over the liberties she had taken, Lane wrote: “I wish you would just get another tablet and put down in it somehow the other 15,000 words that Marian wants. When I come home, I will go through the whole thing, and we will send it off to her and get the contracts signed up and all. Then that will be off our minds.” But Lane could not leave it at that; she began to tell her mother how to structure the narrative and shape her characters, pushing her into the world of fiction. At that point, Wilder took stock and began to push back.

Rose Wilder Lane (Source: HHPL)
In Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction, the story of these two strong individuals plays out through the manuscripts that each woman generated. Lane’s two picture book typescripts, the rough Juvenile Pioneer Girl and the cleaned-up and polished “When Grandma Was a Little Girl,” illustrate the ways in which Lane, the experienced novelist, began to edit and rearrange her mother’s autobiographical writings into a fictional story for young readers. She selected the cozy Wisconsin log cabin Wilder had so lovingly described in her autobiography as the setting. She removed many elements from the story to trim it to about eight thousand words, including Baby Carrie and the sibling rivalry between sisters Mary and Laura. Once she finished, Lane sent “When Grandma Was a Little Girl” to her own literary agent and then to her friends in the publishing industry until it reached Fiery at Knopf. In condensing the story, Lane told her mother she had eliminated a lot of material that Wilder would now have to add back in to increase the word count. But Lane had also overstepped, giving Wilder’s Ma and Pa new dialogue and new characterizations that Wilder could not let stand.

Retrieving the typescript from Lane’s files, Wilder immediately took her daughter to task. “You have Ma say ‘she vowed she didn’t believe those young ones were ever going to sleep,’” Wilder scolded Lane. “Never in the world [was that] what she would have sai[d].” The author then reframed the dialogue to reflect her mother’s voice and character: “‘Charles, I don’t belie[ve] those children will ever go to sleep.’” Neither Ma nor Pa, Wilder continued, “would have though[t] of calling us ‘young ones’[;] we were always children and, ‘I vow’ was something Ma never would have said, being a lady and a school teacher.” Wilder made these changes to her characters’ speech and behavior in her completed manuscript (WCM), which is close to how it appears in Little House in the Big Woods (p. 73).[1] Lane also tried to convince her mother that Charlie Quiner’s naughtiness in the harvest field was something that Laura would have admired. Wilder wisely ignored the idea.
In her working drafts and fragmentary episodes, Wilder added fifteen to twenty thousand words to the picture book manuscript, turning it into a chapter book for readers aged eight to ten. She took control of her characters, reinstated the sibling rivalry between Laura and Mary, showcased her own tomboyishness, and returned her baby sister Carrie to the narrative. She also created new material, blending her memories with the needs of the story. For example, Wilder combined her reminiscences of playing house in Wisconsin as a four-year-old with household jobs she performed as a teenager in the Dakota Territory. In her completed manuscript, she outlined the work in a familiar “rhyme” that specified a job for each day. She returned Charlie Quiner’s misbehavior to the story without a shred of admiration for his conduct.

Dust jacket of first edition of Little House in the Big Woods (Source: SDHS Press)
Even as Wilder asserted control over her characters and employed a deft hand with dialogue, she relied heavily on Lane’s editorial guidance. She valued her daughter’s experience, trusted her judgment, and knew there was still much to learn about writing fiction for young readers. When Little House in the Big Woods debuted in April 1932 as a children’s book club selection amid a fanfare of rave reviews, Wilder could also recognize her own strengths as a writer. She had never lost faith in the compelling story of her own childhood or the lure of her father’s stories about it. She had ensured the integrity of her characters as she understood them. While she would continue to accept her daughter’s editing on her behalf in the years to come, she would also rely on her own sure instincts as a writer of autobiographical fiction.
Other books from the South Dakota Historical Society Press include:
- Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction
- Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts
- Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography
- Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life
[1] quotations can be found on pages xviii, 62–63 of Wilder, Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction, ed. Nancy Tystad Koupal (Pierre: South Dakota Historical Society Press, 2023).

Nancy Tystad Koupal
Nancy Tystad Koupal is director and editor-in-chief of the Pioneer Girl Project and founder of the South Dakota Historical Society Press. She is the editor of L. Frank Baum’s Our Landlady, of Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder, and of Wilder’s Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts and Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction.
I love this. I knew Rose also wrote but hands down Laura was my favorite author growing up. It has long been on my bucket list to visit all the places she once lived. I would love to see someone chronicle that since I am no longer able too.
Being named Laura, not for the author, but for my mom’s favorite Aunt….whose life growing up in Kansas was much like the authors, I find LIW’s life story fascinating.
Have the entire little house book series and countless others about her.
Summer 2022, was in Pepin for LIW days and spent over $200 on books in the store.
Yea. I am a fan, thru and thru.
The facts behind books are quite interesting..
Here’s my thing why is everybody nitpicking Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books of course she was going to change the books because she was gearing near children as audience not adults of course her books were going to be fictional and things were going to be changed if she wrote a regular book about her everyday life wouldn’t it be boring maybe in her biography she was a little bit more truthful things happen on the Prairie that probably children didn’t need to know about that was a rough life that she lived. And some things that are even her daughter wrote were not true so why is everybody sit in their nitpicking lower Ingles Wilder Wonder daughter didn’t write half of the truth either so what’s the point I think Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books are fine the way they are yes there’s some things that are a little bit strange and different you got to remember living on the Prairie and the way her father just up and left and I’ll brooded them from place to place and must have been a horrible feeling not having to know where you’re going to plant your feet the next time you were having to get up and move in the middle of the night because of his because her poor father couldn’t pay the bills. We all have ghosts in the Attic we all have things in our past that we just don’t want to remember so why not remember Laura Ingalls Wilder for her books and for Rose Lane for the books that she wrote.
I loved the show when it first came out! Now I am watching it again because I was off to boarding school and missed a lot of the episodes. So, it’s a lot of fun to see all of the exciting new things that I had missed!
I love the true story about this and the remake stories about this!! I am a huge fan and collector of all the movies ever since I was a young girl and I am now the age of 50!! I remember watching them with my little sister and she’s now in her 40s and still is a fan!! When we were little girls even our dad didn’t miss a episode!! He loved Little House on the Prairie. My dad’s gone now. May he RIP but the memories are still there every time I watch the show!! Then to carry on the tradition my son became a all time huge fan of the show at the age 16 and still is now at the age 29!! Thank you Little House on the Prairie for being a part of my family tradition!! We love every show!!
I have watched Little House On The Prairie since I was a little girl. I still watch it, I just love the show and the movies they use to have. At least I see the reruns. That will never stop me from watching the show ever. They were part of my life as a child, I wish I had a family like they did. I just felt peaceful every time I watched and listened to them. Now my life is complete and better now. Thanks to the Little House On The Prairie.
I absolutely love little house on the prairie. been watching it since I was little girl on 56 years old and still watch all the reruns every day till this day and have the collection. love the family oriented movies as well as the waltons. now my daughter and her three little girls are watching I’ll continue to watch till the day I die ❤️❤️
Love the little house in the prairie watched it as a teenager and watch it as an old lady
Can’t wait to read!
My twin sister and I loved Little House as children. We adored the books and the show. Acting out our favorite scenes after the episode was over was our favorite pass time. We would go days and days pretending we were Mary and Laura, always requesting that everyone address us properly. In the late 70s my mom bought us prairie dresses and I even wore mine to school! Grandchildren are coming along and of course we are sharing our love for Little House.
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Pioneer Gril sounds really good.
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life grabbed my attention first.
I am excited to read Pioneer Girl. I love all the Little House On the Prairie books and tv episodes.
I’ve always adored these books and can’t wait to reread them all again!
this would be good to win.
I would love to read Pioneer Girl Path Into Fiction. I love d watching this as a young mom and now watching and reading with my granddaughter.
I am most interested in Pioneer Girl the path into fiction. Like the best of both worlds
I would love to have this set. I grew up reading Little House on the Prairie series, watched the show and even had Katherine O’Hara and Allison Anigram sign my Little House book when they came to local Telethon of Stars one year. Love Little House and thus would be an awesome edition❤️
My daughter would love these.
I’m most excited to read “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life”
Wonderful books!
Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction
I would be delighted to win any of the items offered. My 3 daughters and I are all fans of LHOTP books, and watched the TV series together for many years. All of them would usually wear the bonnets that I’d made for them, as they sat in front of the set. As a little girl, our oldest daughter would cry every time an episode ended. Needless to say, we tried many diversions to cheer her up. She finally outgrew the reaction when she realized there really would be another show in a few days. As an adult, this same daughter took her 3 children on a summer trip to visit one of the tourist sites in the mid west, and loved seeing the buildings and antiques on display.
I am most anxious to read Perspectives and The Path into Fiction- Laura Ingalls Wilder is a HUGE part of my childhood!
Can’t wait to read them all.
I’m interested in reading all three books—they would complement each other.
The Path into Fiction!
I want to read ” Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography ” because I want to know how her autobiography differs from the fictional work and to see if there is additional information that is not included her her “Little House” books.
I loved reading about this family as a child
These messages are always like a bit of sunshine in my day! Laura’s writings and writings about her always retain my interest.
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography. However, I would like to read all of them. I really enjoy nonfiction, so I think I would like the autobiography.
I want to red a writer’s life
the annotated autobiography
I am most excited to read “Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction”!
My daughter loves the Little House on the Praire books! She loves history and would be very interested in reading more about Laura Ingalls Wilder in Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writers Life!
“Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction” sounds awesome! I would love to read it.
I haven’t read any of this set, so I would love to win it. I have a collection of Laura’s books, but not this set.
These Happy Golden Years! Laura and Almanzo get married.
I would love this prize package
I loved all the shows
I have enjoyed so many of the books written by her, the anthology that contained the other writings, and I am working on catching up with the new ones. Been a fan most of my life, Books. My daughter is Laura Elizabeth, not a coincidence.
I love little house books
Really like these books and enjoyed the shows!
My mom and I watched these when they weren’t re runs and now we watch the re runs , love Little House on the prairie.
I have loved Laura Ingalls Wilder since I was in 3rd grade. I am now 67 years old and I still love to read her books. I would love to win this.
I have always loved to read and the Little House series was one of the first series I read. I like to read anything about Ingalls and the history of the towns they lived in.
I enjoyed watching Little House on the Prairie as a child on television. As an adult, I enjoyed going to Heritage Hill in Green Bay, Wisconsin to attend the Laura Ingalls Wilder Days and listen to the cast members talk about their experiences on the television series. William Anderson was at one of those events and enjoyed listening the history on the family. I would enjoy reading other books on the Ingalls family. Thank you.
Can’t wait to read pioneer girl the path into fiction!
I would love the autobiography, of course, but I think Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts would be very intriguing also!
I can’t wait to read all of them!
I am most excited for Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts as the process fascinates me.
All Laura Ingalls Wilder books, merchandise & cooking references are well quilted into my life.
Looking forward to seeing more.
Love reading about the family and all the hard ships they overcame.
I love Little House! I watched it growing up and now I watch it with my Granddaughter💙
Excited to dig into another Pioneer Girl edition.
I will love to have the collection so I can read them all. I’m watching the series all over again.
I love the tv series, I know some of the show is added stories or a slight version of the true pioneer story. I would love to read any of the books to get the real story of the Ingall’s family and would be forever grateful to get one!!
I enjoy reading Little House Books, Pioneer Girls and her other books. Laura Ingall Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane are amazing authors.
Love all of Laura Ingalls Wilder series of books along with all the movies tv series I grew up with,my kids and now my grankids!
I’ve always loved reading about the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. I wouldn’t be able to choose just one.
I have loved these books and tV series since I’m a child and to this day still watch the tV reruns.
Just returned from visiting all the homesteads/ museums! Would love any of the books but I am very interested in Pioneer Girl!
I love reading the books. I can’t wait for this giveaway
I enjoy reading about Laura Ingalls life
I would love to win these books I read all the books in the library in school I enjoyed everyone of them reading all the stories of how she grew up and all the hard times they had
I was obsessed as a child and still as an adult.
My son’s name is Wilder. 🙂
Loved this series growing up and want to return to DeSmet to visit again. Definitely looking forward to reading Pioneer Girl.
Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction 🙂 I love the cover, so I’d want to read it the most 🙂
Cannot wait to become engrossed and escape into the beautiful world of little house.
Us Laura’s are pretty special
I would like my granddaughter s to enjoy what I did.
I think I’m most excited to read “Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder”! I find her and her families lives so fascinating!
i am sorry that i can not make an antry to the give away, i love the little hous very much.
I would like to win I have watched all the episodes
I love the little house books.
I love all the books that Laura Wilder wrote and I also look forward to reading other books written by her daughter Rose and Reading books about the Wilder family that I have not read yet.
I love little house on the prairie and other pioneer stories. I read them to my children and now to my grandchildren. Watching the tv shows brings them to life
Most excited to read, Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction, where it all began.
I’m excited to read all the books.
Little house on the prairie in my favorite tv 📺 show when I was growing up I pretend that I was Laura
Very happy memories reading the series & rereading them again and again 💜
Little House on the Priarie by Laura Ingalls Wilder is one of the best novels I read as a child and even as an adult working at a library as a junior library assistant for several years
I would totally love to receive this bundle. I love anything about Laura and Almanzo and Laura’s families. If Idon’t win , I would love to have Nancy Tystad Koupal’s and Pamela Smith Hill’s autographs. I have over 100 books for my collection.
I can’t just pick one. I am excited to read them all!
All are my favorite !
Can’t choose, they’re all my first choice
I would love to have any one of these titles, but I have to admit, “Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction” is begging me to open the cover! Love the cover illustration!
All of the books sound interesting, so it is hard to choose only one! Historical fiction is my favorite genre. I have great-grandchildren now, someday they will think I lived in a by-gone era and want stories of my life.
My granddaughter home schoolsmy great grand girls they love all the house on the praise books
I think Laura Ingalls Wilder, A writers Life would be very interesting. We’ve visited her homes in Mansfield several times and always enjoy learning something new. Love the TV series Little House On The Prairie , which brings some of her story to life.
I’ve been wanting to read A Writer’s Life and also am interested in Path to Fiction.
would love to read all of them
This will be. for my daughter I was a fan but she was obsessed with Laura
I am so excited to read these books. I can’t wait to share these with my sisters since we don’t usually have enough money for books.
I am so excited to read these new books. I am a retired teacher and I always used the Little House books in history class. My own children loved everything about Laura Ingalls . They even joined the Little House on the Prairie book club offered by Scholastic Book Club that was popular about 20 years ago. I saved paper dolls, crafts, books etc. that I had collected over the years. During the pandemic I home schooled my 5 year old granddaughter. We spent months learning about her. I ordered every book relating to Laura I could find on line. My granddaughter listens to the Little House audible books at bedtime. I relish times when my grandchildren visit and we open the totes of my Laura stuff to enjoy for hours.
I love to read it all! How exciting! And the tote bag is a good add to it 🥰
I am so excited to read all these books but probably Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder as I have been fascinated with Laura, both her fictional and real life, since I first read the Little House books in elementary school.
Love the older drawings 😍 the books sound wonderful
All of these books sound amazing but going with Pioneer Girl: The Path into FIction
I’d love to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life as I’d like to learn more about her. I also enjoy learning more about what life was like during her lifetime. The entire world changed so much during her life!
I want them all!
I am excited to read the Path to Fiction! I am interested to learn more about the mother daughter dynamic that Laura and Rose shared. I think my mom would enjoy digging into it, too, since she has been helping my husband edit some of his manuscripts.
I always loved Laura Ingalls.. watched little house on the Prarie with my mom and dad
I’m excited to read all of them. I have read the Little House books numerous times and enjoy all things related!
I’m looking forward to reading Pioneer Girl: the Path into Fiction
I am excited about all of the books and the tote bag. I have been a fan of The Little House Books since my 5th grade teacher read it to me, over 40 years ago! In the last coupe of years, I became aware of all of the other books and have been actively collecting them. Every time I see a set of the original books, I buy them and gift them to a young girl in my life.
I would enjoy reading the new book, Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction
I am a big Laura Ingalls Wilder fan.
So excited for the path into fiction!
What a great series! The Autobiography and Revised Texts sound wonderful, but they all look good.
I love all the Prairie books and looking forward to reading the newest. Thank you for the chance to win.
The path into fiction
I can’t wait to read them all!
I”m most excited to read “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A writers life.” All of the other books seem very interesting too!
Laura Ingalls wILDER
I’m so excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder! I live in South Africa and have grown up reading the Little house Books and listening to the audio books as well. During lockdown I finally discovered the TV series! I absolutely love it!! My family and I made a rule of only watching two episodes every Saturday to make them last as long as possible:) I am a huge fan!! Through the years I have collected many books about everything Little House! And last year my mom and I went to the States and went to De Smet, Walnut Grove and various other Heritage sites and tours. I’m so excited to learn more!!
Cannot wait to read these stories. Just recently finished Caroline.
I am looking forward to reading all these books, but especially Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction.
I have loved the Little House books for 60 years, and I make a habit of reading them through each winter. Most interested in PG:The Path into Fiction, because I would like to know more of how these wonderful books came into being through Laura’s hand.
I grew up reading Laura’s books. Being from Wisconsin I was thrilled that Laura was born here. This year, while working on my family tree, that Laura is a distant cousin.
They all look good to me. I will order them even if I am not lucky enough to win them!
I have always enjoyed this page. There was few things I found interesting that I didn’t know before. Thanks again for doing this page.
Can’t wait to read: Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction
I’m excited to read The Path Into Fiction, the pieces I have read of turning fact into fiction are very interesting. I’ve loved the Little House series for nearly as long as I can remember and have enjoyed reading to my three daughters. I was so excited to read Pioneer Girl as had heard about it many years ago and loved reading and learning more about Laura and her life
I love the Little on the Prairie books. I try to collect every book I can find. It would be nice to win these books to read to my granddaughter.
I would love to read these books!
I think the path into fiction book sounds interesting.
I am excited to read the one about Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I would like to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writers Life. I think from some of the other biographies this would be very interesting.
Thank you so much for doing the giveaways!!!
So exciting.
I would absolutely love to win this giveaway!!! My aunt gave me the whole set of Little House books for my birthday as a child. I instantly fell in love with Laura Ingalls Wilder and I cannot read enough about her. Thank you for this opportunity and May God bless you.
I would love to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction to learn more about the books I have loved since childhood.
I am most excited to read the Path into Fiction because I want to see the behind the scenes working relationship between Laura & Rose.
I would love to win Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography. I enjoy autobiographies, and being annotated, hopefully it will answer whatever questions I may have as I read through it.
The book I am interested is the Annotated Autobiography .
I still watch reruns of Little house, but would good to read the new books! We have come so very far from those days and morals, so very sad.
I am most interested in reading “Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.” Actually I can’t wait to read them all and then share with my granddaughters.
Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction
Growing up in the ‘50s the “Little House” books were oft-reread favorites; I still dip into them now and then. I would love to read more about how Laura’s story evolved.
I’m interested in Pioneer Girl: the Autobiography of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction
All sound great to read!
i want to read the last book
I’m most excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life!
Love Laura Ingalls!
Hi! I don’t know that I can pick a favorite from this list. It is Laura Ingalls Wilder, and I have loved ALL things LIW since I was a child. It was that love that got my Dad to cave in on our last family vacation before he died and go to Mansfield, MO when my sisters and I found it on the map at a rest stop when we were in Missouri. It was a little out of our way, but we said it was only fair since we had done all things Mark Twain for him. In the end, he and our mom enjoyed that visit to Mansfield just as much as we did. So, anything and everything LIW has me excited! Even better, I’ll be able to share knew knowledge with my sisters and reminisce about that last trip.
Can’t wait to read Pioneer Girl- The Path into Fiction !
All the books sound interesting. I have always loved Laura Ingalls Wilders Books! I would love to win this. Thank you very much for the chance!
All of these books sound wonderful, and I want to read them all. I guess the one I would pick to read first is Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction
I have loved all things pertaining to LIW since my third grade teacher read ‘Little House in the Big Woods’ to the class. That was over 50 years ago. I wrote a letter in elementary school (1967) asking for information and photos of Laura and it was William Anderson who answered that letter, sending me a few photos and an address where I could find additional information. I still have that letter.
I would love to read ‘Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction’. I’m sure it’s full of information about the ups and downs of getting the beloved ‘Little House’ books started.
I now have my great granddaughters reading my books about Laura Ingalls Wilders life.
I read the Little House books when I was young. I identify a lot with Laura and always believed she has a great deal to teach us about life during her time. I’d like to read any of these new books.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder autographed by editor Nancy Tystad Koupal sounds like an interesting read
I have been a fan of the 1800’s era, most especially the Laura Ingalls Wilder story since my early childhood.
I am excited to read all of these
Looking forward to reading this book!
I love the Nextdoor story and the history that is naturally included.
Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction sounds fascinating. I don’t know much about Ingall’s relationship with her daughter.
I’m super excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Biography! This book sounds so interesting, and I can’t wait to learn from it.
I would love to read Pioneer Girl with my own girls! We’ve read Laura’s books numerous times as well. Thank you for keeping her spirit alive!
All of them look so good to read! Excited!!
Laura has been one of my favorite historical characters ! I am so excited!
Fascinating topic.
Thank you!
I really want to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction!
I can’t wait to read them aall
I am looking forward to reading all of the books. Pioneer Girl Prespectives: Exploring Laura Engalls Wilder is the one I looking forward to most of all.
I most excited to read “Pioneer Girl”.
Excited to read Pioneer Girl The Path into Fiction with my daughter
I am excited to read all the books. I grew up reading the Little House series and I’m excited to see how they were developed.
I can’t pick just one, I want them all!
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Oh– I want to read them all!! Knowing that the setting for some of the stories took place in Wisconsin makes reading them all the more special. It’s important to pass along the history to our next generation and these books do it in such a way that transports us to another time period. I love reading about the Ingalls family.
I loved the series as a child and now love the follow up books as an adult! So intriguing, this way of life and how it mimics our local Mennonite community!
I’m so excited to read this book! Great post, gives good insight on what’s to learn.
I’d love to read them all such wonderful writings love Little House on The Prairie would love to read Pioneer girl good luck everyone
I have loved Little house on the Prairie since day one. I still watch it everyday.
Have Laura Ingalls Wilder since I read something and her name was mentioned.
Remarkable woman she was. The whole family is actually.
I think all the books would be interesting. To get a perspective on the writing from the author herself would be fascinating plus to learn more about her upbringing would be fun.
What a great way to be introduced to the various facets of Laura Ingalls Wilder and one of her books! Not only the story, but the pathway to the fictional rendition, as well as insight into the author in addition to revisions of the story!!!
excited to read them all!!
As a little girl, I often pretended to be Laura . I was the only child for nine years and had such an imagination and love for books. I did not own many books but the ones I did, I read over and over. The little house books and little women were my life companions. I now love reading with my own child as we have homeschooled going on seven years.
I can’t wait to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction!!
I’m trying to collect all the books to start reading them to my 3 yr old granddaughter. A world without Laura’s life stories isn’t one I plan for her. I’ve already bought all seasons of the show for my granddaughter. I want to her Laura Ingalls Wilder alive in our family.
I love little house on the pararie .
I’m hoping I win these books .
Would love to have them.
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction
I am excited to read them all, but I am looking forward to reading Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life, because I’d just like to learn more about her and her life!
The Path into Fiction looks interesting to me!
I am truly excited to read them all!! If I have to choose one … Pioneer Girl: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder
Thanks for sharing these books!
I’m most excited to read A writers life.Ive read the little house books and want to learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilders real life.
I admire LIW and learning about her life. I enjoyed reading the original pioneer girl book and hope to read the newer ones!!
I loved the Pioneer Girl book and am looking forward to the path to fiction.
Lifelong fan
They all sound interesting. My girls would love to read them all! I think Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder looks fun!
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writing is a blessing to all who read it.
I’m looking forward to reading Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction
Goodness, I would love to read all of these. Choosing just one is difficult. Lol.
I grew up with Little House on the Parie both movies and books…if it wasn’t for the lesson I learned I would not have survived today. A positive attitude and hard work got them through and as got me through.
When my husband passed almost ten years ago the only thing I did for the first two yrs was watched the showes over and over. I did not leave my house I layed down and waited to die…but time after time the Ingles pushed through so I decided I was gonna push through so I got up and went to church on Sunday mornings and slowly I returned to the living
A pioneer Girl. The path into fiction
I would love to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder because this suggests to me that there are more stories and things I still don’t know about her and her life, which is very exciting to me!
I am especially interested in reading Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Learning more about the “genesis” of LIW’s writing and the influence Rose had as her mother’s editor fascinates me.
Besides being a fan of the books as a child, I’ve read some of Rose Wilder Lane’s work. So I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction to learn more about the mother/daughter dynamic the two had.
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction!
i want to read laura ingalls wilder a writers life. i am 8 years old. I love laura!
i want to read the path into fiction and the revised texts. i am 11 years old and I love Little house on the prairie
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction!
My granddaughter has read many of these books!
I had one book when I was around ten year old and lost it. Do to living situations my Mother couldn’t afford to buy me another. It was the book Pioneer Girl. To this day 45 yrs later, I always wondered what happened to it. Such wonderful memories I so cherished. To have back these books would be wonderful. Please consider me for this. I would so love it.
Wonderfully promising book!!
I have allll of the Little House books and then some! Excited for this one too!
I’m excited to read them all, but most excited for Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography!
I am going through a lot of pain right now due to some medical conditions. I know that reading these books will cheer me up. Thank you for sharing your talent so everyone around the world can enjoy your work 🙏🏻
I’m most excited to read Laura Ingalls: A Path into Fiction!
They all look good. Love the covers.
I think I’ll be most interested in “Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder” the most
It would have to be Laura Ingalls Wilder- A Writer’s Life. Growing up I always watched Little House on the Prairie and still now I am still watching reruns. I would have to pick this book, wanting to know more about Laura and her life.
The revised text sounds very interesting but they all sound like they will be interesting
Can’t wait to read, “Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder” because I am trying to farmstead and would live to have some anecdotes to laugh about or commiserate with.
I have loved the Little House books since I was a young girl. My mother read them to my sisters and I before we learned to read, I am now a grandmother and my grandchildren also love the books.
I think the book I’m most excited to read is “PIONEER GIRL THE PATH TO FICTION” because it’s one I’ve been interested in for a while.
Can’t wait to read them all! Love Little House on the Prairie and Laura Ingalls Wilder!
I want to read them all! I love these stories and love reading and knowing all about the Ingalls and the lives of all those around the Ingalls. I grew up watching the TV series and my mom read us the books when we ere young. The Ingalls story is amazing and I truly feel blessed to know about their lives!
We grew up watching little house in the prairie and live by Almonzo Wilders place in northern NY. We have been able to meet a few people from the show there and have an awesome time every year. My sister has actually. Rested an entire room dedicated to Little house and for birthdays and Christmas all she wants is not items. Sone people are major Yankee fans, she is a little house fan!
I’m excited to read all of them!
I think I would be most excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life.
I grew up with The Little House , and I introduced my daughter to Laura and her family and all the adventures that are in her books. My daughter and I read thru them all many times together. Great Memories
I have the complete collection including Caroline’s book when she was a little girl and the books for 3 generations back as well.
I love them all.
It’s too hard for me to pick just one. I am excited about all things about Laura Ingalls Wilder. Even though her books are meant for children, she is my favorite author.
I’d love to read “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life” because I’ve always wondered how much Laura’s real-life story differs from what is in the Little House series.
I would love to read each one. I don’t have any of those yet. I read all 9 books Little House, I’m book thirsty for more. Love to hear my cousins story. Almanzo, my 4th cousin and Laura my 8th cousins.
I would love to add these books to my Little Free Library Charter 149141! I may read them first! Thank you!
Thank you so much for this giveaway. I cannot wait to read Pioneer Girl The Path Into Fiction. This is so exciting.
I loved Little House when I was younger. As an adult, I still reread. I can’t get enough.
I would love them all, but I’m especially excited about “Pioneer Girl Perspectives”.
All the books sound great to read!
Do I have to choose? Would love all of the books!!!
Laura Ingalls Wider & Rose Wilder Lane
The Path into Fiction
What a lovely giveaway! All of these books look amazing and I would love to take the tote bag on future library hauls 🙂
I would love any of these books.
We recently visited her home in Missouri. What a neat way to learn about Laura.
I would enjoy learning more.
Wonderful give away! I am most excited to read the book Laura Ingalls Wider: a Writer;s Life
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder, but all would be sublime….🌺🏵️🙂
I’m most excited for “Path into Fiction”. My students and I were discussing this last week in light of Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” and pondering the line between autobiography, historical fiction and creative non fiction. I’m really interested in exploring the discussion of how we can define the Little House books, so this is right up my alley!
Love the Pioneer Girl series! Excited to get my hands on this one.
“Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder . would be my choice but I would be honored to win any copy of these books. I would love to read more about pioneer girl books.
I’d love to read these and learn more about Laura.
I would love to read the Pioneer Girl book about Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have loved the books since I was a small child and would love to one day go to all the museums.
I’m so excited to read them all! I have loved all the Little House books. And love to expand my collection at home.
How to pick just one??!! If I had to I suppose it might be Exploring Laura Ingalls.Thank you for this giveaway!!
Oh I can’t wait to read ALL of them! What young girl was not raised on the Little House books?! Thank you for information on these books.
I’m most exited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path to Fiction because I love seeing how authors revise and finalize their work. I have loved Wilder’s books my whole life, and I’m so excited about this!!!
I’m most excited to read “Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder .”
Looking forward to “the path into fiction”
I’ve read all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books that our tiny library in Sullivan Maine has.
would love to read more. I watch Little House on the Prairie every day.
great show, great books
Im Sooooooo interested to read Pioneer Girl: A Path Into Fiction because hearing the story of how these beloved books came to be would be fascinating. I LOVED them all growing up especially Little House in the Big Woods. And then I read them to my children when they were young.
Little House on the Praire is a favorite of mine and my grandaughter. What a wonderful book series for all ages.
I’m most interested in the Revised Texts – it’s interesting to see the writer’s process in play.
I am excited to read any of the books! I have enjoyed reading all of the Little House on the Prairie books growing up and watching it on tv. I still watch the reruns because I think they are good and have good messages.
What a fascinating article! – I’m looking forward to sharing it wth my daughter. I’d love to read ‘Pioneer Girl Perspectives’ to delve more deeply into the themes underlying Laura’s stories.
I would like to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives.
I would love a copy for me and my two girls. 🇬🇧 🥰
I’m excited to read “Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography” to read the true stories of her pioneer life. I’m sure it will be fascinating reading.
i want to read the first book because i’ve never read it before.
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path to Fiction.
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life
It’s difficult to choose just one because I can devour all things ‘Little House’. But I think the Path into Fiction will provide some great perspective about how Laura turned her life stories into books for children.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives. I’ve been a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder for 60+ years.
I would love to read them all, but am especially interested in the Pioneer Girl Perspectives 😍📖
They all sound great I’m excited for all of them!
I can’t wait to read all of them!!
I’m so excited to read The Path Into Fiction because I’ve been fascinated with the relationship between Laura and Rose.
I would love to read them all! I am especially interested in the newest one-Path to Fiction-I think it would be so fun to know what parts of the books and episodes were fictionalized. I have been a LHOTP fan since I was a little girl-I am 51 yrs old and still watch all of the seasons on DVD.
I would love to read them all. Little House on the is my favorite.
A Writer’s Life
I’m looking forward to reading them all
I would love to read any one of the books. My daughter and I read the LHOP series aloud together; it is one of my favorite memories from her early childhood.
I am excited to read A Writers Life
Pioneer girl, the path to fiction!
All of these sound amazing, but I would love to read the path to fiction one. Thanks for the chance to win.
Truly, I am excited to read all of these books! Being a young woman in my early 20s, I didn’t get the chance to grow up with the Little House television series nor the book series when they first came out. But I am ever glad I’ve had the chance to visit them now! I adore all of the colorful characters, playful settings, and fascinating stories that made up Laura’s life.
My favorite book of hers is “Little House in the Big Wood”. It was such a charming tale! I loved reading about her family and friends before the big move to the prairie. The television series was such a joy to watch, too! Pa and Ma were a darling couple, and have truly been an inspiration to my own romantic life. If I can’t find someone who looks at me like how Michael Landon’s Charles looked at Karen Grassle’s Caroline, than I don’t want them! But my favorite character would have to be Nels Olson. What a kind yet strong man!
It would be an absolute honor to get the chance to read more about Laura’s story through this beautiful giveaway.
What an exciting giveaway! Thanks! I want to read #2, 3, or #4 since I don’t have those yet.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder
I have Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography on my wishlist to purchase. I would be most excited to read this one, but would love any of them. Thanks for the chance!
I have grown up with and have read all the Little House books and would love to have the Pioneer Girl book it would be great!
We love the little house books! ❤️
I would look forward to reading any of the books.. the books look beautiful!! I would love to especially read the Path to Fiction to gain new insights into these classic stories
I’m excited to read all the titles, but am particularly interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life!
I am so totally intrigued by Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction — I love the introduction you gave of it, with Laura suddenly finding a letter from a publisher about… what? She didn’t know. It encapsulates the intriguing relationship between Laura and Rose. Wow, I am fascinated to see how the story plays out.
I’m excited to read all of them but most exited for Pioneer Girl : The Path Into Fiction.
Any of these books would be a fabulous read. My kids, 7 and 5, loved our nightly readings of the series of Little House on Praire. All of us were sad when we finished them all so these would be a fun addition!
I’m looking for to reading the new one and cant wait to know how Laura’s stories turned into such wonderful works of fiction.
Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts
I have grown up with the stories,books and TV show.I am 56 years old and continue to watch and read the books about Laura Wilder and her family.
I want to read them all, honestly!
Pioneer Girl: Path Into Fiction looks super interesting to me!
I am excited about all the books but if I have to choose just one, I’d say A Writer’s Life.
I’m most excited about Pioneer Girl Perspectives.
Very excited to read the new Pioneer Girl book, The Path into Fiction.
The Path to Fiction
I am excited to read all of the books. When I was homeschooling my nine children, every winter we would read all the Little House books out loud. It was our favorite part of winter!
I can’t pick just one I would love to read all of them! I have all of the books and I have watched (and still do watch) Little House on the prairie series. My husband and I even know all the funny little musical parts of the show and know when we hear a certain sound what episode it’s from. For instance the sound they always play when Mrs Olson comes into the scene or Mr Edwards or the sound they make when the kids all got Poison ivy from their leaf collecting field trip. I’d love to win and read any and all of the new books!
I’m excited for all the books can not pick just one
Thank you so much for the chance to enter and win such a beautiful gift.
My grand daughter and I are Little House obsessed. We can’t wait to read how Laura Ingalls turned her life into her famous writings.
Excited to add to my Laura Ingalls book collection! i have picture books, chapter books, autobiography, paper dolls, vhs tapes and even a cookbook !! Any and all books would be a wonderful addition to my collection!
I am a huge Laura Ingalls Wilder fan. It is on my bucket list to visit all of her home places she and her fam, Almanzo and Rose all lived. Residing in MN just an hour from Walnut Grove, i have visited all in MN, WI IA and SD. I am a true farm girl as well and resonate w Laura’s simple but powerful life.
Same here. SInce I found out the Ingalls are my cousins while doing Ancestry, I can’t wait to read every book about them to understand their lives.
I am most excited to read this last book, for it seems like it will stress all the real work Laura did, and show that Rose, while an excellent editor, was not (IMHO)the writer Laura was.
My entire family would enjoy these books but am looking particularly forward to A Writer’s Life.
I am 64 yrs old and have spent my life loving every one of the Laura Ingalls books. I also loved the clean good show she stared in. She has bought such joy to me.
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl Fact into Fiction because it will be interesting to learn how Laura fictionalized her life.
I have always loved the Little House on the Prairie books ever since I opened the first book❤️
the path and all of them
Gosh, would love them all, but especially Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. I’ve always wanted to see in detail the parts each woman (Laura/Rose) was responsible for through the books, and you’ve made it possible. Thanks!
I want this sooo bad!
OOOH! I can’t wait to read The Path into Fiction. I have absolutely loved bothe editions of Pioneer Girl. I always said I wanted to be LIW when I grew up. Well I still have a lottle time to get published before I hit the same age as she was!
I would love to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: a Writers Life.
I’m excited to read all of these with my daughter! We both love the books and the show and look forward to these ones as well.
I would love to read all of these books and share them with my daughters who loved reading the Little House series when they were younger.
I read the Pioneer Girl Annotated Bibliography but I would love to read the newest one of Path into Fiction. I just visited De Smet and am fascinated with the story behind the fiction stories I grew up loving.
I’m most excited to read The Annotated Autobiography and Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder! I’ve read all the Little House Books a few times over my years (I’m 51) and enjoyed reading The Rose Years, Caroline Years, Charlotte Years and Martha Years! Hoping someday to visit her homestead in Missouri!
Love Little House❤️
love these books
I am eager to read The Path to Fiction. It sounds like an intriguing book.
They all look great but I would be most interested in Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction.
Any of the books would be delightful
I liked all of her books but never read the pioneer Girl to fiction but would love to read it
I can’t wait to read the Pioneer Girl The Path into Fiction because I love reading and watching the series of how Laura Ingalls with her family what she experienced. I have watched the series many times growing up and had my kids watch it when they grew up. I’m reading one of the books as a matter of fact now today. I enjoy the workshops y’all have set up. I just love the set up in the books and tv series. Because it teaches us we can still live that life with wood burning stove and ovens. We can run a business without what we have now. I love the books especially because it give adults and kids a chance to experience how it was back when their was no electronics. Then that their is more out in nature. It’s full of adventures that uplifts everyone!
I grew up watching the Little House series. It was about the only wholesome tv show that my parents allowed us to watch. When I was little, I was always told that I had an uncanny resemblance to Melissa Gilbert as Laura, so I was properly nicknamed “Half Pint”, helps growing up in an irish household. To this day any time I come across a rerun of the show, I sit and cry(happy tears) from the memories. When the last episode was aired, we all cried. It felt as though we were losing our family members. It especially effected me when Michael Landon and Victor French passed away, I lost my pa and my uncle Isaiah. That show will always have a special place in my heart.
My most favorite times are reading to my children…we loved going through the Little House series. I would like to read “Path into Fiction”…it sounds interesting.
I’m most excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life. I’ve enjoyed reading the Little House series.
How can I possibly pick ONE to be excited about. I absolutely love all things Laura!
The Pioneer Girl, The Path to Fiction is the book I’m excited to read!
SOOO many hoops to jump through for give away! Rafflefly? Twitter? And Facebook? give me a break! Disappointed in this because I LOVE Laura!! Unfortunately I won’t be able to even enter the give away. Good luck to someone else
Wow! What an exciting prize package!
I’m looking forward to reading the Perspectives book.
I am most excited for Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life written by Pamela Smith Hill.
I enjoyed hearing Nancy Koupal speak about the Pioneer Girl series at the LIWLRA conference. I have used the first three Pioneer Girl books for research, and look forward to using the newest edition, “The Path into Fiction.” Also, Judy Thompson’s art on the covers is beautiful.
I am most excited to read the Path into Fiction as I would love to learn more about the backstory between mother and daughter.
I love Little House books! I look forward to reading Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography.
I am excited to read ALL of the books! I have been watching the series for as long as I can remember.My favorite show of all time!
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder autographed by editor Nancy Tystad Koupal.
Pioneer Girl the path into fiction is the book I am most excited to read, although all of them look expectional.
Oh I love all things Little House – can’t wait to read all of these gems, but Pioneer Girl Perspectives piques me the most.
I would like to read Pioneer Girl The Path Into Fiction
I am most excited to read “Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography”. I would love to read her direct words and separate fact from fiction. I know the TV show (which I love!) took liberties to enhance the stories for the viewer, but which parts are portraying something that actually happened? It sounds like a fascinating read and most definitely one I would enjoy!
I live all things Laura Ingalls Wilder but am most excited to read Pioneer Girl A Path Into Fiction.
I would love to read Pioneer Girl – The Path Into Fiction. I love ALL of the Little House books. They remind me of my childhood on the farm.
Definitely the Path into Fiction!!
I’m excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life, I read all the Little House books in grade school and then I remember being so excited about the t.v. show,Little House on the Prairie,I loved it,we watched it every Wednesday night for years,I grew up with that show.
I am looking forward to reading all of them some time in the future. I have the complete set of Little House books, and some others by Laura & Rose. I have always loved reading these stories, and I enjoyed the ones about their later life as well.
I have always LOVED the Little House series and still watch the re-runs on TV. Looking forward to what’s coming.
I anticipate an interesting look behind the The Little House series.
I have read the Little House books since I was a child in the 1960s, read them to my children and now my grandchildren. I would love to win and would especially like to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives.
Laura fan since about age 7….my grandparents lived down the street from the Museum in Burr Oak, IA…I’ve been entrenched in the world of Little House ever since! Looking most forward to reading The Path To Fiction.
I’m excited to read The Path into Fiction because this process is something I know little about.
I can’t wait to read “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A writers life”!!
Love love love Little House books! Went to Desmet a few years back and toured the Ingram’s land and home. Enjoyed!
Would love the Path into Fiction! Love all the books!
The book I’m most excited to read is Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life because I’m an aspiring writer myself and would love to see inside her life as a writer!
I would most like to read “A Pioneer’s Perspective: the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder!”
I want to read The Path into Fiction to discover more about how they worked together to create the books!
All of these books look like excellent reads! I enjoyed reading the Little House books years ago! Thanks for an opportunity to win!
I love all the little house books
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction. I have loved the Little House on the Prairie book series since I was a child, and I love Laura Ingalls Wilder. I’m so excited to read more about this extraordinary woman through her autobiography. I have never read any of the Pioneer Girl books series and would love to ready all of them!
I am very excited to read pioneer girl the path into fiction! The cover is lovely!
I am most excited to read “Pioneer Girl, The Path Into Fiction” because the state of Wisconsin holds a special place in my heart. My husband and I were able to take our three children out to Wisconsin for many summers and visit our Aunt Sue. I would read the Little House books while visiting and was able to experience a modern day, yet wondered what it was like back in Laura’s time. I would love to hear more about her first experiences through her voice.
I think I would be most interested in Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. She has always fascinated since I was I young child.
Can’t wait to start reading Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction! 👏🏼
Love Laura ingalls wilder and her family
I’m most excited to read The Path into Fiction!!
I entered to win! I’m looking forward to reading these books, I always like learning more about Laura and her stories
I would love to read Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography because I love all things Laura and think her autobiography would be amazing.
Love to have these books.
I would choose Pioneer Girl Perspectives to read.
I agree with Becky, I do not want any part of social media.
Laura’s simpler lifestyle is my role model. I shared Laura’s books with my second graders for 34 years, and many of them traveled with their parents to the sites Laura & Almanzo traveled.
Would love to read them.
Please enter me in the Laura Ingalls Wilder contest. I am a life-long follower of this author. I have been a writer throughout my life. I’m currently working on a story of my life, including what I know about my family backgrounds. I’m thinking maybe I should change it to fiction?
I love The Little House books but it’s a shame that you get additional entries by going on social media. I don’t use any social media so I have no chance to win. It’s a shame that this site promotes living a simpler lifestyle only to also promote social media, the irony is not lost on me.
I am very excited to hopefully be the winner. So looking forward. Thanks
I agree with you, Becky. And your comment makes me imagine conversations between Laura and Rose about artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT being used to create manuscripts!
I agree!
I agree and also do not use social media.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder Is the book I’m most interested in. My grandmother grew up near Mansfield, Mo. so I am most interested in learning more about their lives there.
The path Into Fiction is the one I would like to read the most.
We enjoy the Little House on the Prairie so much. We have started again from the beginning and watching it through.
I use to watch little house on the pairie when I was young. And the repeat of the show. I watch them so much that when I saw the tittle of the show I new exactly what the show was about.
I’m excited to read all of these books!
I am excited to read all the books. I grew up watching Little House and always wanted to be Laura.
As a fan of both Laura and Rose’s writing I am excited to read all of the books.
I would love to win Pioneer Girl Perspectives:Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. I really like to read autobiographies.
I would like to read all of them, but the one of Laura Ingalls Wilder ; a writers life
9thi would love to win and read theses amazing books
I’m excited for the latest book!
We look forward to reading Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography and really explore more about Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I would love any of these books
My wife has read all Laura’ s books and has enjoyed them all equally.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls
I am a huge Laura Ingalls Wilder fan! Little House was my favorite tv show and I loved the books!
I’m excited to read the books!
I hope to read the WHOLE series!
I love biographies in general and have always love Little House books! I think I would enjoy Pioneer Girl:The Path into Fiction most so I could see both of the women’s works meshed together.
The Path to Fiction sounds quite interesting. I quite enjoyed the Annotated Biography.
I am looking forward to reading all of these books, especially the path into fiction and Laura’s annotated autobiography. All those years ago when I fell in love with Laura’s books I longed to know Laura and Almanzo, Carrie and Mary. This is the closest I’ll ever come to it.
I have loved this series and very much appreciate the scholarship behind it. I would most like to read The Path into Fiction to learn the truth about Rose’s influence on Laura.
Having grown up with The Little House books, I revisited them as an adult. I’m really looking forward to reading The Path Into Fiction to see how it all came together.
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl!
Pioneer Girl:The Path into Fuction. Start at the beginning, for me the best place to start. Then continue on. All new to me!
I grew up reading Little House books and when I became a teacher then a Reading specialist I introduced them to all of my students. Even after 50 years, I find myself picking them up and traveling again with the crew!
I would love to win this. Been watching this for years
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life
Love the author
This is an amazing giveaway! I’d love to read any/all of them but especially the new one! Thank you!
Awesome giveaway
Oh gosh, I could never choose. I love ALL Laura Ingalls!
I enjoy little house in the prairie.
I’m very excited to read all of these, but A Writer’s Life intrigues me the most.
Can’t wait to read this!!!
Looks like the link to pin the image is broken – I am unable to pin it. This book looks fantastic! I can’t wait to read it.
I am most excited to read the book Pioneer Girl
Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction will be such an interesting read!!
I watched and read Little House for most of my life, and I keep coming back to it.
I would love to read all of them but the one that jumps out is Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I would love to read her autobiography!! 🙂
Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction
I would like to read Pioneer Girl The Path into Fiction I love reading books about Laura Ingalls Wilders Life
I am most excited about Pioneer girl: Revised texts. This set would be a blessing to any Wilder fans. I am looking forward to reading them.
Such a great giveaway!!
Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction sounds like an in depth accounting of Laura and Rose. I am completely fascinated!!
This new book looks so interesting! I hope I win!
I would like to read all of these book !!
To be honest I would be honored to get any of these as I have not read them.I have the older little house books and always read them as a kid.I find them once in awhile at a little library pantry.these are my favorite books
I look forward to reading “Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder” because I have always enjoyed her books. I would love to know more about her background!
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl: the Path into Fiction because it brings a new depth to the novels that I haven’t explored. I love hearing about authors’ paths to publication, and the narrative we now have about one of my favorite childhood authors and the relationship between Laura and Rose brings an entirely new perspective to these beloved books.
Have always Loved Little House on the Prairie .
What a fascinating window into the larger picture of this beloved series! I think The Path into Fiction is where I’d start, if I win the series!
Got hooked on reading in the 6th grade by reading all the Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls, and I will be 70 in Aug and still an avid reader. Looking forward to reading these
What a wonderful giveaway! I can’t choose which book I’m most excited about reading, so I’m choosing them all! Thank you for this opportunity.
I can’t wait to read Perspectives!!
I can’t wait to read this it sounds so interesting.
I’m excited to read all of these, but I think I’d read Pioneer Girl Perspectives first.
I most excited to read them all. I love all things pioneer!
I am most excited to read the latest book, as well as the other ones which I did not realize existed.
I can’t wait to read “Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction”!
So sorry – I forgot to mention which book I was most excited to read. Honestly, I am not sure. They all look wonderful. I am going to click on the links to read about each of the books. My initial guess is Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. I love reading about Laura’s life, and this would most likely be the first for me to pick up. Thanks so much for sharing these books.
I would most enjoy the Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life because I have always enjoyed the works of Laura.
Pioneer Girl path into Fiction would be awesome to add to my personal collection but also to have in my classroom for my students. I teach reading in a Title One school ((very poor area) These kids don’t even have books of their own so for Christmas I always buy them a book. I would love to have a set of these books for myself but also for my classroom!!
I would love to read Pioneer Girl the Annotated Autobiography. I love history and Laura’s writings. I have lived in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri and have visited most of the little house sites. I love the details of annotated biographies.
Excited to read “An Author’s Life”
Very curious about the real story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
“Pioneer Girl: the Path Into Fiction” sounds the most interesting to me. I didn’t know that it was Rose who pushed her mother into telling her stories. I am anxious to see how that evolved! I have always love the series since I was young. My daughter loved it too, and dressed as Laura for Halloween one year. I am a fourth grade teacher, and every year I read “Little House in the Big Woods” to my students. It is always a hit!!
I’m most excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life.
Being an author myself I would love to read the book about a writer’s life. All of them really! I read the Little House books to my kids and hopefully to all my grandkids when they are old enough. They are amazingly warm, inviting, and pure! I taught a class on Little House in the Big Woods and hope to continue inspiring others through these works!
I’d enjoy reading, “Pioneer Girl.”
Good morning! This was all so fascinating to me to finally better understand the working relationship between Laura and Rose. I’ve often wondered about it, only hearing snippets here and there regarding how Rose had more to do with Laura’s books than most thought. I am most excited to read, “Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction”, and learn more about their relationship!
I’m totally excited about this giveaway! I would love any of the books. Little House, the Path into Fiction would be my number one choice. I have a complete set of the LH books. I also teach fifth grade reading so of course I would LOVE to have all of these to add to my collection! Thank you for the giveaway!!! Someone will be truly blessed!!
Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction
I think I’d like the Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. I’d love to read more about how Laura Ingalls Wilder came to write fiction.
While I would love to read any and all of these books, I would really like to read “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life.”
I would love to have these books.
I’m so excited, this is very exciting news!!
Honestly, I cannot choose which book I’m most excited to read because I can’t wait to read ALL of them! This blog, though, was beautifully written and very encompassing. Even if I don’t win, I’ll continue enjoying this blog and website. Thank you for creating all of it!
I am excited to read all of them
I am excited to read “Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction.” I love the book cover! It evokes the same feeling I get seeing the book cover that I would get as a young girl when I received a new Laura Ingalls Wilder book.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives:Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I am most interested in “Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography!
These ALL look amazing. I was not aware of any of these books, and I love the Little House series. Thank you so much for sharing.
I was very eager to enter this contest because I love the Little House books. However, getting to the bottom of this page and seeing it is a Rafflecopter contest, there is no way to win this. I do not believe Rafflecopter is a good way to showcase contests. Very disappointed here.
I’m excited to read all of the books!
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction!
So excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s life
I am anxious to read whatever book I could possibly win. I have always enjoyed reading the books of Laura or anyone writing similar books.
I would LOVE to read the letters between Lane and Wilder. They were both such strong women, great female role models, and in such different ways. I love that they had equal strength but Laura’s was more backbone/stubbornness and Rose’s was more modern and forthright. I, like everyone of my generation, grew up loving these books so much plus I live 30 minutes from Mansfield so have spent many many summer days wandering around the farm.
I’m most excited to read A Writers Life!
I honestly don’t know which books I’m most excited to read. Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction would be interesting for sure.
I’m 63 years old and have always loved everything Little House!!! I have been a collector for many years.
I have tried a couple of times to leave a comment. I would love to read her book about writing her novel.
I love to read anything about this author and am especially interested in reading about the writing of her novel and her adventures.
I love Little HOuse on the Prairie .
I was so excited to read your email and learn of the exciting publications you are offering! I grew up watching Little House on the Prairie, reading the collection by Laura Ingalls Wilder as did my daughter. She savored the books reading them over and over. These well loved and ‘worn’ books remain part of her collection. Now she has a daughter who will be introduced to the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder. I would love to read all the books you listed, particularly Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography. In recent years, I have completed ancestry research for my own family, learning more of the history and context with supporting data such as census information, various records, newspaper stories, letters etc. This additional information offers new insights and helps to further develop the personalities of the folks and provide a fuller picture of their lives. It tells a story! I would love to learn more of the life and times of Laura Ingalls Wilder brought to life with data, photos and other historical documentation!
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder autographed by editor Nancy Tystad Koupal
I am excited to read all of the books. I still watch Little House on the Prairie.
That is my favorite show.
I am very excited to read the Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. Reading how the relationship and growth of mother and daughter bond and strengths developed will be most enduring, especially as my mother loved to tell stories to our family as we were growing up.
I’d be excited to read “Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction”. How amazing to see exactly how the drafts developed over time!
Great books . Hope I win.
My daughter would love this! She’s read the series numerous times so I’m not sure which would be her favorite. Probably the first 3 listed.
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction,
I would be excited to read both The Path Into Fiction and The Revised Texts. I knew that Rose had helped Laura with her story and I’m curious to delve more into how the series was started and the journey that Laura and Rose took. Thank you for offering this giveaway!
Hi! This comment is for the June 2023 giveaway. Somehow I must’ve hit the button that said I commented when I was entering the giveaway, but I hadn’t commented yet! So I’m putting it on here. I hope that will work, and I still get entered! The book I’m most excited to read is the annotated biography. I love reading about people’s lives and experiences! 😊
I’m really interested in “Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder” – read and gave the first book in the series to my second and third grade classes, read the book series to our girls, watched the tv series together and now my grandchildren have read/heard the series.
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writings (both children’s stories and her adult farm journal articles) have been the signposts pointing the way I wanted to shape my life: with love and courage, family and God at the forefront. She has not failed me.
I’m excited to read all of them, but The Path Into Fiction seems like it will go first!
I cannot, truthfully, say which book I am most excited about. I see them as a collection that needs to be read, enjoyed, and digested together.
Just love Laura and anything Little House
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life
I enjoy knowing about the real people behind the movie. Their lives, what it was like in those times and all of the memories from the experiences and hardships they must encountered as homesteaders and farmers.
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. Even as an adult I still love anything about Laura Ingalls Wilder.
All her books are my favorite
I can’t wait to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life. The thought that daughter Rose would try to undo what came from her mothers heart is sad. I will always believe and cherish every Little House book.
Any books about the Little house on the prairie because I used to watch them on the Irish Television in my young childhood which I really love to watch .
Back then there was no subtitles as it is now.
I love to read the book about them.
I am most excited for Pioneer Girl Perspectives. I know it will have valuable knowledge that will be useful for those with a pioneering spirit in the modern world.
I am excited to read all of them! I love the Little House series!
Please enter me for prizes big little house fan
I would love to win this set. I love Laura and the whole family. I have watched Little house every since they started. I still watch the reruns. I am78 yrs. and enjoy watching the pioneer life.
My daughter and I are both excited for this new book! I loved all the books growing up and now get to share my love of all things LIW with her!
As someone who grew up reading and watching the Little House on the Prairie series, I really can’t make up my mind which book I am most excited to read.
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. I grew up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder.
All of these books look interesting. I’m curious about Pioneer Girl Perspectives.
I am excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography. Thank you for the opportunity to win these amazing books.
I’m 66 years old and still go back and read these reading about the Ingalls family and how they always worked together
I’m really excited to read them all!
I love Little House
Growing up I had never missed this show, love love and still love it.
I would love any of these books. I loved watching Little House on the Prairie. Thanks for your great generosity.
The Writer’s Life! That looks most intriguing to me!
I have all the seasons of Little House on the Prairie. My favorite all time show EVER. I would love to win this. 🙂
Laura is my hero!
I’ve loved Laura since I was 8! I wanted to be Laura!
I’d enjoy reading any of them, but would probably read Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Writer’s Life first.
I’m so excited to read even more about Laura’s life, especially as an author!!
I am looking forward to the Path into Fiction book.
I love all of Laura Ingalls Wilder books and have been reading them since the age of nine when my fourth-grade teacher read Little House on the Prairie to the class. I read them several times, even in high school. When I had my first child, I bought the entire set and she read them. I then gave them to her as she had her first child. I have enjoyed reading all of Ms. Wilder’s works, including a book with a compilation of her articles. This would be a culmination of a lifetime of enjoying the window Ms. Wilder has given us into an era when life was difficult but interesting at the same time. I believe having insight into how Ms. Wilder entered into the world of writing would be very interesting. A copy of Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction sounds wonderful.
This giveaway is so exciting!!
I have loved reading Laura Ingalls Wilder literature since 1968. I have had the pleasure of visiting most of the Laura Ingalls Wilder homesteads. I do not think I shall ever retire of reading about her life. I have a photo of Laura and Almanzo that sits on my book shelf next to the books I have of Laura’s.
I have followed this series since I was a very young girl.
I am now 55 and am still so in love with the books and memories of the life and family of Laura Ingalls Wilder. I find myself trying to find episodes to watch articles to read all the time. Takes me back to a time of innocence and when life was just simple, even though tough at times, but when a sense of love, family and community was alive.
I would love to add this to my collection of childhood favorites. Pioneer Girl
I want to read all of them!
I am interested in reading this set of books because I am curious of the lifestyle of the people at this time in history. Laura Ingals Wilder follows her family and their experiences in her stories. There, one can place themselves in these experiences and understand better how life unfolded for them.
I am excited to read “A writer’s life”. I have my mother’s diaries of her life in a convent to become a nun when she was a teenager and I have always wanted to write a book about that time of her life.
I’m interested in either Pioneer Perspectives or The Annotated Autobiography.
Thank you so much for the Giveaway.
I read and watching the Little House on the Prairie
I am excited to read everything written about Laura!
I want to read the annotated autobiography the most.
Ioneer Girls perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. I would enjoy this book because I want to learn more about the author and her life and I enjoy the series on TV but her real life to me is something I want to learn about.
I’m excited to read them all but Pioneer Girl Perspectives would likely be the first I pick up.
I’m disappointed that this contest giveaway is only for those living in the United States. I live in Canada and have been an avid LHOTP fan for years. This will not interfere with my passion, though.
Wonderful selection ❤️🎉
These books look so fun! Pioneer Girl The Path Into Fiction sounds like a great book to read with my daughter.
Love watching Little House on the Prairie. Still watch it today. It makes you think about things you do or say. Very inspirational.
I have been wanting to read Pioneer Girl, The Annotated Autobiography. It’s been in my Amazon cart for a long time but maybe I can win it now!
This looks wonderful.
I’d love to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction!
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography will be the first one I’d grab to read!
The autobiography
I love all the books. When I was a little girl, they opened my eyes to living in the past.
I’d love to win Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. The above blog post was very interesting!
I would love a copy of any of these books.
I am quite excited about the new book, however Pioneer Girl Perspectives looks like an awesome read too. My girls and I would thoroughly enjoy all of these books!
This sounds like a fun set of books! I’d love to learn more about how Laura came into her own as a “fictional” author. She’s such a good storyteller!
Would love to win this give away!
I am 80 years of age, and my heart is to read about Laura and all the things pertaining to her. My daughters were given books Laura wrote and they enjoyed as much as I did.
this is awesome!
Complete ! The book looks nice !
I love all things Laura Ingalls Wilder. She was such a remarkable woman. I think the Pioneer Girl series of books would shed even more light on her life and would be very interesting reads.
Ohhh, I’m interested in reading all of them. I have the entire original Little House set and many others like her letters and her essays, but I’ve not read any of these. I’m most interested in reading The Annotated Autobiography. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
I’m excited to read them all, but I would probably start with the annotated biography!
I’m excited to read any or all of them.Thank you for the wonderful chance. Blessings
I read all the Little House books and want to read the Pioneer Girl books. I would want to start with the first one in the series.
I have also visited the Site of the Ingalls family near Independence, Kansas.
I’m honestly very excited to read all the books, but perhaps The Revised Texts is the one I am looking most forward to reading. I am a huge fan of LIW and all her writings, and I grew up with the TV show. I’ve been to her house in Mansfield MO and Almanzo’s farm in Malone, NY. I love the pioneer spirit of strength, endurance, simplicity, honor, hard work, and community. Thank you for keeping that spirit alive!
I am most excited to read “Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction”
I can not wait to read Pioneer Girl exploring Laura Ingall’s Wilder
I was introduced to Little House books when I was 8 years old .
I loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder book series
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! I look forward very much, to seeing these lovely new books.
i would read all of them. they would give me a better insight in how my ancestors lived.
I would like to read The Path into Fiction. I love Laura Ingalls Wilder and have collected many of the books about her, besides all that she has written.
I would love to read all the books, but am interested most in Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder autographed by editor Nancy Tystad Koupal. I was raised on a farm and would like to see if her perspectives are similar to mine.
Looking forward to reading these. Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder is where I would start. Thank you
Love to see new books if this beloved woman/family and their lives!
I am anxious to read these! I have loved Little House on the Prairie since childhood, and am hoping my granddaughter will too.
I’d love to win prize package
I am truly looking forward to this new book. I loved the Little House Books as a child and learning more about the author has an adult has been a treat. These books are a look into who the author was and about her experiences as an author.
Looking forward to reading Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives!
Excited to read more about Laura and her family. Feel like I grew up with them.
I have watched and read all the books I got years ago from the book sale at the elementary school my kids went too. I’d love to have the package
My kids love the books! I’m sure they will love the Path into Fiction
As a librarian and follower of Laura for over 40 years, I am looking forward to reading Pioneer Girl the Path into Fiction. Thank you for this opportunity to win this book!
I would live to win this
I like ANYTHING Laura Ingalls Wilder, as I used to not only read these to our daughters but taught them in school. Such Wonderful books that I am looking forward to sharing now with my granddaughter.
I can’t wait to read Pioneer Girl: the path into fiction
always love little on on the prairie, it was the best tv show there was, so have to start buying all her books,even got dolls or her and mary, love them all oaura. was just great,
love to have any book i get if i win. got most of all the other ones. so could use any of them. thank you.
Start at the very beginning
Pioneer Girl’s Perspective-to read more about how it must have felt to live back then.
What a wonderful contest! I would love to read any of these books, but especially Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life, as I am a writer myself.
I am excited to read all of these books. My third grade teacher read aloud to us Little House in the Big Woods. I loved it so much that I went on to read the other books on my own. This was around 1972. As a school librarian I’m still a huge fan. Some of my students today haven’t read the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I would love to win this prize package so I can learn more about her life to share with my students. Thank you for this opportunity.
Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction is my pick. Thanks for the opportunity.
Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder sounds like a very interesting Book!
Thank You for such a great give away!!!!!!!! I would love to have Pioneer Girl: The Path into Friction. I also have a granddaughter that I would love to get started on these books.
I am most excited about reading “Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder” because like many of the fans I a have always been intrigued by the life of Laura Ingalls.
I would love the Pioneer Girl books & especially Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. So many of us grew up watching Little House and of course our children it was an era in my life. Laura Ingalls Wilder taught my generation the simpler way of life. Thank You for giving so many a chance of having these books in our home.
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction!
Very excited about the Pioneer Girl books especially Pioneer Girl Perspectives to learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder!
Loved watching Little House on the Prairie as I was growing up, now I am excited to read these. Can’t decide on I book but will get all of them.
My daughter is 17 & has loved little house on the prairie since she was about 3 years old. She would love this set!
I have read everything published. Huge fan!
Brilliant prize!!
I watched all the seasons several times in my live. It’s a show that never gets it!
Properly I will loved the books also. I hope I win the package of books so when the books are finished reading I can give it to my daughter, she love the show also.
As a dutch woman I love to read English written that will not be a problem.
My regards and have a nice day.
I would to win this to read and add. To my collection
I am excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path to Fiction because I want to hear more about the process Wilder went through in writing the stories.
I can’t pick just one book! I read the original books as a girl and now I’ve passed them to my girls
Laura ingllas wilder /a writer’s life, I would love to read more about Laura’s life story
These will all be good reads!
I’m so excited to read all of these! Especially, “Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts”. It will be so interesting to see how Laura Ingalls Wilder developed her writing with the differences between her and her daughter.
I have always been a huge fan of Little house on the prairie and have enjoyed researching periodically Laura and her family. These books sound amazing to read.
I love the stories told and have the original Laura Wilder book with pics still
I would love to win this set of books I love all of them I turn 63 on June 28th this would be a great gift to have
Please pick me I would love to read these ty ❤️
I would like to win to keep them for my grandchildren they I don’t even have yet ! ❤️
I am a huge fan of the books and TV series. I moved away from MN when I was 12. I missed it terribly. Reading the books and watching the TV show made me feel back at home. The towns that were mentioned in Mn. were close to my hometown .
I have loved the Little House books since I was a small child. I constantly checked them out of the library. We were poor growing up but my mom saw how much I enjoyed these books and found the entire set for me at a second hand book store and surprised me with them. I still have them 30 years later. I have had to tape many of them due to reading them so much.
I am wanting to read the annotated autobiography the most but would love to read of the books listed.
I hope I get picked!
looking forward to Pioneer girl
My girls would love The path into fiction
I’d love to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction. I’d also love the updated Pioneer Girl Annotated book.
I’ve been a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder since I was a little girl. I grew up watching the TV series, which I continue to watch today, and reading her stories. I’ve also had the opportunity to visit Walnut Grove and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum. I am excited to read all of the books, but especially Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writers Life. I’d love to learn more about one of my favorite authors!
I have been a lover of the stories of Laura and her family since I was in preschool. I am excited to read any of the new books that come out!
I will be excited to read them all, but the most favorite I think would be “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life”. I have loved her ever since I could read. I read the whole set of “Little House” books over and over in elementary school. Then my favorite actor Michael Landon did a series with my favorite books. Life could not be any better growing up in the “70’s! I still collect and read anything I can find about her and her family and also the stars in the series. Thanks for the opportunity to win books I do not have.
Laura Ingalls Wilder is a good author. I do enjoy reading her Little House and Poineer Girls Books. They are all pretty good books. Love it.
The story was amazing,it was awesome and inspiring to live in such an era where great things should be learned and all the while be improved…
The long winter
These happy golden years
This books are marvellous ❤❤❤
I have watched little house since I was a little girl and now 45 years later I still come home and watch it every chance I can get!!
I have read all the books and watched probably all the shows. Love them! I saw Melissa Gilbert at the Fox theater in St Louis Mo the Little House play. Would love to ad this new book to my collection. Maybe my Grandkids one day will read them.
I will be interested in reading Pioneer girl prospectives and learning about her life on the pioneer with her family.
I’ve learned to read with little house on the prairie and I cant Wait to read these books to my daughter one day!
Little House on the Prairie is my favorite TV show I have all the DVDs and most all the books
I’m excited to read the frist book
Would love these for my 21 year old daughter we watched every little house episode
A writers life
I have loved Laura Ingalls Wilder book’s since I was in first grade. I read her books over and over. I took a trip to Pepin Wisconsin to see her home she grew up in. I also watched all the television show’s.
I’m excited about reading pioneer girl. I haven’t read a paperback in awhile because I’ve been using Amazon. But I’m glad I’ll be able to carry a book around to read instead of a tablet.
Love the little house on the sprite
Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder
Love all those books.
I’d like to read this book.
I’ve always been a fan and love all of Laura Ingalls Wilders books.
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl Path Into Fiction
I can’t wait to read all of them!
I am such a fan of Little House on the Prairie books and other books that have been written about Laura Ingalls Wilder. I would love to read these 5 books and I think I would start with Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography .
I can’t wait to read pioneer girl!
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path to Fiction… I’ve long heard of the odd, sometimes strained relationship between mother and daughter. I want to see how it has played out on the written page. I’ve been a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author, since I was 8 years old. I play the pilot episode of the series for my second grade students, hoping to instill a love of the stories as I have had. This book and all the others would be a treasure trove to me!
I would love to read all of them. My favorite show was Little House on the Prairie. Laura was always my favorite and her life as a child into adult is interesting.
Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts should be very interesting.
My mom loves this show
Thank you for the chance to win these beautiful books 🙂
I’m ready to read any of these books sounds interesting I love little house on the prairie as a kid I had some of the books and these would be fun to read
I love Little House on the Prairie.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder . i have not read this book. I think I have almost every book of her, including her cook books I grew up with Little house books, watched the show, then bought all the videos, the next big adventure for me is the year 2024, i am going to Missouri to see the wilder House. I am such a hard core fan.
I’m excited to read all of these books. I am always on the lookout for more books about Laura Ingalls Wilder. They are always so interesting.
I think I’m equally excited about all of them!
I would love to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction to give my students more background information during our reading and writing workshops!
Would love to have a copy.
Super cool! My 10 yr old daughter is a huge fan. She has re-read many of Laura Ingalls Wilder books.
I absolutely loved reading the Little House series to my children. Laura Ingles Wilder is my favorite author! I cherish all the hardback copies my kids gifted me!!
Please enter me into your contest. Thank you
Look forward to reading these books.
All of the books!
It would be a great pleasure to read her books.
All the books sound great, but especially Pioneer Girl Perspectives.
I have to say I’m interested in reading all of them. I raised my children on the Little House books and now I’ve started my grandchildren on them. My granddaughter who is soon to be 10 loves reading them and frequently asks to have a Laura Ingalls day which means no electric and doing things that Laura would have done as a child. These would definitely be for her as she will love reading them.
I have loved Laura Ingalls Wilder since I was a little girl and love that there is a book about her: A Writers Life. I would love to understand and get to know that aspect of her life more.
I have every episode of little house and still watch it on TV every weekday 🌄 rning
I’m so excited. I can hardly wait to read this book. I plan on sharing it with my 8 year old granddaughter. She loves all of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books.
I really would like this. Laura Ingalls Wilder has always been my longtime favorite author, since I was a school girl.
When my mother and husband passed within two years of each other, reading Laura’s books helped keep me going.
She is an incredible author, with an incredible story to tell.
Absolutely love her work.
I was almost homeless two weeks ago, and her stories of faith and endurance helped get me through.
It is my dream one day to visit the museum and maybe even see where she lived.
Love Laura, always have, always will.
Watched this show ever night in the 80’s . It was my favorite !!!
I listen to these books on Audible most nights.
Would Love to win the Pioneer Girl collection I have read and grew up with the Little House books
Love Love Love
How exciting! Our children were raised on the books and TV series. Can’t get enough of Little House!
Cannot wait for the Path Into Fiction (Pioneer Girl)….
Love to be the lucky winner
I’d like to read “Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography” edited by Pamela Smith Hill
I have been wanting to read Pioneer Girl forever.
I love everything about Laura Ingalls Wilder!!!!
I have all the Little House on the prairie books. Would love to win these to read and pass done to my granddaughter
Love the show!
I’m so excited for this!!!!
What a wonderful discovery of these stories. I can’t wait to read the journies of Ms. Wilder.
I have watched every single episode over the years. LH brought me through many hard times in my life! I love, love, love it. I would like to read ALL of the above books. If they are sequels, I would stare with Pioneer Girl The Path to Fiction. I would be most interested in Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. Thank you for being here!
I love these books. Any or all. My niece lost my set of books we got in South Dakota that were signed. Broke my heart. My children were brought up with them and the show.
This is a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity. I’m excited to read the Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder book because I have always been curious to know how Laura and her daughter Rose worked together.
Won’t take my entry for the contest? Tried several times
Love Little house On The Prairie
Can’t wait to read all of them i love story’s on pioneer settlers and what they went through to get to where they are now and i loved little house in the big woods and all of the rest
I grew up reading and rereading the Little House series. As I grew older I started researching more about Mrs Wilder’s life and the truths behind the books. hehehe I love discovering new things about someone who so enraptured my young life. I don’t think I could pick just one book I’m looking forward to the most. I am excited to read all of them
I grew up with Little House on the Prairie ! I loved the wholesomeness of this well loved story . I can not wait to read some of these new books .
I love the Little House books so much that this new book series about Laura Ingalls Wilder really gets me excited! I’m particularly thrilled about Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction because it offers another view of pioneer life through Laura and Rose’s combined perspectives.
I am excited to read the first one because it sets the stage for what is to come.
I’ve read all the Little House on the Prairie books. I loved them all. Cannot wait for this one.
I would love to read them all but especially Pioneer Girl Perspectives !
I’d love to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction.
I would love anyone of her books about Laura Ingalls Wilder. Thank you!!
i cant just pick one book .. i want to read them all .. been a fan for over 40 years .. love anything to do with LIW
I tried to enter but kept getting an error message 😞
Love this blog
The path to fiction
Looking forward to reading this book.
love the series!
I can’t just pick one too read I’m excited too read them all!!! Big Fan!!! My mom was a big fan also and we loved, loved, loved sitting together and watching every episode we could together.
I love the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have watched the show about Laura when I was 4 in the 70’s. My family and I have stopped at two of their homes in Minnesota and then in South Dakota. This would be a wonderful addition to my collection.
I love the Ingalls story , still one of my favorite shows !
I’m excited to read all the Pioneer Girl books. I love Little House on the Prairie. I’m watching now as I type.
I always loved the books and have read them many time and want to read Pioneer Girl
Would love to win!!
So excited!
I gave always loved the books I wou l d love to read Pioneer Girl
I grew up watching the TV show of Little House on the Prairie and I would definitely love to read all the books.
I would love to win the contest! I would give the books to my Granddaughter (After I read them. She absolutely loves everything about Little House on the Prairie!
I love little house. I watch it most every day
I am excited to read all of the books. I have been a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family since I was really little and I have been collecting all of her books, and others, all about her and the rest of her family.
Pioneer Girl Perspectives
I’m excited to read all of these! Anything to extend the Little House universe into adulthood!
I’ve always watch the show. Now I’d like to win so my granddaughters can watch it
Gosh, not sure which one I would like the MOST. Maybe, Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life.
I love all the books of Little House on the prairie watched it with my children and grandkids
I am most looking forward to The Revised Text. I am interested in the interactions between Laura and Rose.
They all sound good. I guess Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life grabbed my attention first.
I would love this book to share with my grand kids. They love watching the show.
I love keeping my Pioneer Girl book out at all times because the cover is so beautiful! Looks like I’ll have to find a space for The Path into Fiction now.
Rhonda Sheets 115 east 11th Street Newkirk ok 74647
Ilove to read the Little House books and watch the reruns on television
Bonsoir, J’aimerais les avoir toutes, mais en français, je suis une Mauricienne, de la Mauricie; du Québec pour la Province du Québec; et le Pays Canada. J’ai aimé les livres sur La petite maison de la prairie. Et, surtout la série. Et, j’aime l’évolution de la femme dans les années qui ont commencé. Et, j’apprécierais vraiment beaucoup avoir ce livre ou tous les autres livres. Merci à l’avance,
Loved Little House on The Prairie..
Love Little House on the prairie books and the shows on tv
Pioneer girl the path into fiction
Possibly Pioneer Girl Perspectives
I love little house and everything around it. I’ve been to three of Laura’s homes and In time will see them all. I feel this is a wholesome show and we need so many more shows like this.
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Woman: The Annotated Autobiography.
Pioneer Girl Path into Fiction!
Would definitely love this!!
Love the show get to read books be better
I’m very excited about Pioneer Girl revised texts to read the different versions!
Would absolutely love this book fan since I was 6
I would love to win this! The Little House books were my favorite books as a child.
I am so excited for pioneer girl!!!!!
I love Little House on the Prairie..I watch it everyday. I would love to win and read these books.
I love all the books
I am most excited about the book Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder autographed by editor Nancy Tystad Koupal.
I’m most excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder!! 😊
I’d love to read Pioneer Girl: The Path into Fiction. I have been a fan of the Little House on the Prairie series from a child and have read them to my own children three times. Reading how the books came to be would be very interesting!
I have been watching Little House since I was 2yrs old, I’m going to be 43 in July! I can probably recite every show lol!
A wholesome family show that’s for sure!
I would love to read all of the books listed. I’ve always loved reading the little house series and I’m looking forward to reading them with my grand daughters.
great giveaway! excited to read them all but will start w/ *Path into Fiction* of course! thank you for the chance!
Would love to read all of these
I have loved Little House on the Prairie since I was a child and now as an adult I still watch . I want to plan a road trip to go see the museum.
I’m excited to read them all
I can not wait to read all,of them
Would love to own these as I love Laura Ingalls books and TV show
Would love to read this new collection. Love the set I have. I would read them to my daughters at bedtime over almost 40 years ago. My husband would listen along to the stories, too. Wonderful memories!❤️
I love this! Pioneer girl perspective looks amazing
I’m excited to read Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life, it’ll be interesting to get the actual biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder instead of the written and revised stories that became Little House Series.
I love the little house on the prairie and would love to read the books
My absolute favorite books as a child! I’m looking forward to the entire series, especially the Annotated Biography
Wonderful books!!!
Can’t wait to read The Path to Fiction!
Super excited to read these!!
Great reading !!
I have not read any of the books, yet. I am looking forward to reading them.
I’m most interested in reading Pioneer Girl, the Annotated Autobiography. I’ve loved Laura and her books since I was a child.
I want to read ALL of the books!
Laura Ingalls Wilder a Writers Life
Would be most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction! What a great giveaway.
I am SO EXCITED to read The Path into Fiction!! I missed, somehow, that this is forthcoming and it is always a happy day to learn there is another book in the Pioneer Girl series. 😍😍😍😍😍
Life long fan!
I would be honored to win any one of these books,I have walk thru laura’s house and rose’s home.have been a fan forever.going thru the lil town I actualy cried some tears could not believe I was going to the musuem and plus their wish to visit came true,I even visited their graves. they seem like one of my family.
I’m excited to read all three books. I love anything LHOTP. To win would be amazing and to add to my LHOTP collection..
Thank you for this giveaway.
I would love to read Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Biography!
I would love to win this novel. “Pioneer Girl”
Pioneer Girl:The Revised Texts would be first one I want to read. I’m interested in reading them all though.
Excited to read anything
My granddaughter is 4 and is watching every episode with me.
Love LHOTP. Been watching many years
I am most excited to read Pioneer Girl: The Path Into Fiction!
I never knew that Rose took such liberties! You learn something new every day. I’m glad Laura was able to shape the characters as she wished.
I’m watching little house as I’m writing this , my all time favourite show !
I’m excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder.
It will be interesting to learn her perspectives in that time.
Best show
All the books are great
I would 😘 very to read all of these books!
All the books are great
The Path into Fiction
Im interested in reading them all
I am excited to read Pioneer Girl! I have been a fan for as long as I can remember !
I’m most excited to read the path to fiction book!
Pioneer girl Perspectives: exploring Laura ingalls wilder
I would be excited to read any of these books!
I think I’m probably most excited to read Pioneer Girl Perspectives!!
Excited to read them all!
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life is at the top of my list
I would love these books. My mother loved the Little House books.
I am really excited to read the newest book in the pioneer girl series. It is really neat to learn more how Laura wrote her books and she is one of my favorite authors!