The Little House on the Prairie® collection from Cūbles. is a fun and creative collaboration between Renée Graef and me.
Cūbles are the paper toy re-invented, which makes them a fun activity for the whole family. Building a Cūble is unlike any other paper toy experience from your past. Assembly requires just the right amount of thought, care, and attention. And it’s fun – just like the challenge and reward of a puzzle.

The Roots of the Cūbles Family
As a self-taught engineer and a father of two girls, I founded Cūbles because I wanted to create a fun activity to challenge my daughters’ minds, inspire their creativity, and bring engineering concepts into their world. With Cūbles, children (and adults) use spatial reasoning, sequential learning, and geometry – all while having fun!
Creativity can blossom once the paperboard construction is finished as children tell their own stories with their movable and posable Cūbles. The characters are an engaging toy that encourages children to use their imaginations and build a surrounding world.
Having grown up in Minnesota, I have a personal connection to Little House on the Prairie. That’s why this iconic, heartfelt property was the very first partner that came to mind for Cūbles.
In early 2020, we began working with the “Little House on the Prairie” team with a vision to create a line of Ingalls family Cūbles. They introduced me to Renée Graef, the original illustrator of the My First Little House Books series. From the start, working with Renée was one of the most inspiring collaborations I have ever known because she is such an insightful and creative person. Together, I think we built a unique and authentic product line that you and your family will enjoy.
The Creation Process
Each character started with the 3D sketches and mockups. The original looked absolutely nothing like the final product.

Over the course of many different prototypes, the product’s correct sizing really started to take shape.

Renée’s keen eye transformed the original design for the head into the softer bonnet look for Ma and the girls and the hat and beard for Pa that would be part of the final product.

Together, Renée and I were able to work at what felt like an amazingly fast pace. I would say that Renée is one of the fastest artists in the west, and I like to think that I am one of the fastest paper engineers out there.
All said and done, we went through maybe 100 or more iterations. Each version was a big improvement over the last. Now you can build your very own Cūble of each member of the Ingalls family – even Jack, the brindle bulldog, as they became available to the public in September 2020. You can purchase them here on the Cūbles website.

Assembling Your Cūbles at Home
Cūbles are fabricated with precise engineering and patented designs that allow you to build one without scissors, glue, or plastic parts. Unlike origami and other paper figures, Cūbles are pre-scored so folding along the lines is very easy. All the joints fit easily into place.
Here is how to assemble your Cūble…
Please click here if you would like to see the full length, build-along video.
Best yet, each Cūble is made of a strong and durable paperboard, which means that Cūbles aren’t just made for construction. They are also great for creative play. Here are just a few activities to do with your Little House on the Prairie Cūbles once you assemble them.
- Make accessories

- Reenact scenes from the book!

- Create a fun scene

Cūbles are a fun activity for everyone. Here are some age-based guidelines:
- Ages 6-8: may require assistance assembling their Cūble.
- Ages 8-12: may require guidance to learn how to assemble their first Cūble.
- Ages 12+: will likely not require assistance or guidance.
I truly hope that you find inspiration from this article and that you enjoy the Little House on the Prairie collection from Cūbles.
Please check back here from time to time for updates about our expanding line with the Ingalls family and their prairie world.
Joel Morris is the inventor and founder of Cubles.
I would love to win these for our Grandaughter who has had a very difficult life . Thank You .
I watch the show every day and night. I would enjoy having a chance to winning the cubles
I absolutely love this sweepstakes and I would absolutely love winning this awesome prize. I would share it with my family (but keep it at my house, at least for a few years) so I could enjoy all the good old fashion fun. Listening to children, kids making up stories (they have such amazing imaginations) while we all learn, share, bond
This is a prize that keeps on winning,. Absolute fun, education and bonding for the entire family and generations to come. This is the prize that never ever grows old or boring.
The more I see this wonderful prize, the more I absolutely love this, this is truly something the entire family will love for generations. This is how families bond, this is how families get to know each other, learn and have so much fun doing it all, good old fashion, put away all the cell phones, etc., and get on the floor and have some great fun TOGETHER, in these covid times this is so important.
My oldest granddaughter would love to have these books.
Outstanding prize for the entire family and for generations to come.
Such a blast from the past I love to share with my kids.
Here we all are stuck inside with our kids, with this wonderful prize, we can all lay on the floor and have so much fun reliving our childhoods and building special memories with this wonderful, fun, educational prize and as huge bonus, bonding with our kids and talking, something we all don’t do enough of.
My family, especially the small children would love this, in fact, everyone would including me. This is a way to have some good old fashion fun and learning without television, cell phones, computers, etc.
In these Covid times we need fun, educational things the whole family will love. This sweepstakes is the best for the entire family and grandparents too.
This prize will give children and adults alike, a lifetime of fun and learning.
My family would enjoy this and I would enjoy this with them.
This is a fabulous sweepstakes the whole family would enjoy for generations.
Little House on the Prairie is still a wonderful show. I never get tired of watching the Ingalls family. Now a days parents don’t spend enough time with their kids (it’s not their fault, now both parents have to worke, tc.), finding quality time is so important, this does that, you get on the floor with your kids, talk, learn, no television, no computers, just good old fashion quality time learning.
I love little house on the priare one of my favorite tv shows!!!
i am a 74 year old lsdy who loves little house
i love little house
These are so beautiful
These are SO perfect! I have a granddaughter and I share my love of LHOP with her!
I have read all the little house book over and over with my grandchildren and great grand-children, loved them all I think they would like to try the CUBLES,
Ohhh a dream come true, I love this and I am almost 60. Displaying <3
so wonderfully creative!
I would love a chance to win the giveaway of Cubles!! I have 12 grandchildren …they would LOVE the chance to play and learn from them!!!
What a great addition to our LHOP homeschool lessons this would be
I enjoyed watching Little House on the Prairie and especially enjoyed Laura’s books. I would pick up a book and would find it hard to put down. I finished reading her books in 5-6 days. I was ready to begin again. I have since passed the books to my daughter who is also a fan. She grew up watching the show and both of us watch the reruns.
This is a toy that can be played with by children for generations to come, good old fashion fun, no computers, etc. just a child’s imagination LEARNING, GROWING, and having so much fun doing all that.
Love little house on the Prairie would love to win would love to win! Great idea I love the paper figures looks study that could last when taken care of. Thank you
I grew up watching Little House On The Prairie along with my family. I’m now almost 50 and I was able to raise my son to watch and enjoy the reruns every afternoon after school, for years. It is such a wholesome heart warming show, especially in the world we live in today.
Love catching up with the family on LHOP. Watch it daily.
I adore anything Little House on the Prairie, I also collect paper dolls and Ology books! These Cubles are right in my wheelhouse. I’m just an antique little girl at heart. They bring back memories of playing paper dolls with Momma. What a pleasure and privelage it would be to win these!
I love to win this, it would be a great item in my collection!!!
I Love This Show And All Of Her Book’s, But Sadly I Have Nothing Of Little House On The Prairie But My Internet Channel 🙁 Which I Do Watch That On There !!! I Would Love To Be A Winner !!!! Thank You For Your Site, I Love It <3 <3
These are cute! I’ve never seen them before and a perfect companion to the books!
Wish I had these cubles as a child, this is brilliant! My family enjoys Little House and we would be honored to win. My daughter dressed up as Laura Ingalls for Book Author Day last year, before Covid. Stay well and healthy!
I watch little house in the morning, afternoon, and evening. I even have a scrapbook on little house. I love this show a great deal.
I just entered. Isn’t that cute
This would be an awesome addition to my collection!!
I just retired from 41 years of teaching and Little House on the Prairie was included in my classroom every year. Laura’s books are full of wholesome family values and pioneer history. I loved sharing these special reading times with my students. Often when students returned for school visits they would ask if I still do my Little House literature unit! Wish I had these Cubles while teaching-what fun! Great idea. ????
I grew up reading the Little House books and I still reread them as an adult. I am from Missouri, which is where Laura and Almanzo moved to. I collect crafts, antiques and old toys. I have several books about Laura and Rose Wilder, in their later years and find their story fascinating.
I have a Granddaughter who would love this set!
The Cubles are absolutely adorable! Seem much sturdier than the paper dolls of yesteryear. I would love to use these in my classroom to generate some interest in the series and open up the kids’ imagination. Great idea!
I echo Gizella…..I too am obsessed with Little House on the Praire. I would love to win.
What a charming idea for an inexpensive toy.
I really enjoy watching the shows with our grand kids! My grand kids grew up watching all the shows cause I had them all on DVD’s!
My daughter used to come home from school everyday and watch Little House on the Prairie at 4:00 o’clock. She is now a third grade teacher and she still watches episodes of Little House on the Prairie. It was a wonderful series. For Christmas one year I gave her the whole set of DVDs in a stagecoach box. She loved it then and still does. I would love for her to have a set of Cubles.
This looks like a lovely set, I would love to win!
I love Little House on the Prairie.
What delightful Little House prizes. Marvelous stories for all ages.
So happy that I came across your wonderful giveaway … I would love to be your lucky winner!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
I love the Ingalls. Simpler times with so much love. I am 61 years old and have read all the books. My great grandaughter loves the books too.
I would love to win! I watched Little house on the Prairie as a girl & still enjoy now. Thanks 🙂
I have grown up around Mansfield, Missouri, and loved learning everything about the life Laura, Almanzo and Rose lived. What a beautiful life they had. To this day I visit their farm and their Rocky Ridge house that Rose built for them. I still feel the love and warmth Laura and Almanzo had for each other in their home. Laura, Almanzo, Baby and Rose are also buried in Mansfield. I visit with them and place a special gift to show them my love respect and specially the books Laura wrote and shared with the world. I would love to win this to add to my huge Laura Ingalls collection. God bless Laura.
Homeschool mom here and lover of Laura Ingalls, my name is even Laura lol! I tried to enter to win but I don’t do social media, so not sure I entered myself or not. My 2 girls would love these and would play with them while we watch little house!
I love little house on the prairie I have all the DVD sets and I still watch it on tv
Loved Little House on the Prarie and still watch it. Hoping that I will be the winner.
Would love to have this for my great granddaughter.
Would love to win this for the granddaughters!!!!!
I just entered! Thank you for the chance to win this. Little House on the Prairie has taught me so much about their life and the hardships they endured, but got through it all as a family and keeping the faith. I am so thankful for this series as I continue to watch it faithfully and will forever hold it dear to my heart!
These are just adorable, i watch little house on the prairie every day for 8 hrs a day. I just can’t get enough of it. If I’m not watching I’m listening to it.
I still watch Little House On The Praire..good show for Family’s.
Mmmmm what a dream 2 win such an American family icon. Cheers.
Obsessed with little house on the Prairie!! I would love to have this collection!!! I have every book and movie ever made!
Love it! Please make me a winner!
We are doing a unit study on Little House for homeschool! I loved this series when I was small. Timeless books!