Preschool is such a fun and busy age, with lots of learning opportunities for children. These exclusive Little House on the Prairie printables for preschoolers and kindergarten kids will help you keep those curious minds busy. Whether you’re doing a Little House on the Prairie unit study with a wide range of ages, or just want to keep your kids engaged, these fun printables will be a great supplement to your hands-on learning activities.

Matching Game
Download the Free Printable Here
Directions: You or your child (depending on the child’s age) should cut out the squares with the country icons. Place the icons face down on the table. Each player takes turns flipping over two icons, trying to find and identify the matches. If a player makes a match, they get to keep the pair and play again. If a player doesn’t make a match, the turn goes to the next player. The player with the highest number of pairs at the end of the game wins!
Harvest Coloring Page
Download the Free Coloring Sheet Here
Directions: Print and color! We would love to see what you colored on our Facebook Page. Discuss how pioneers prepared their food and had to store food over the winter in order to eat. For fun you can check out our Little House on the Prairie Recipes as well!
Covered Wagon Dot-to-Dot Page
Download the Free Worksheet Here
Directions: This fun dot-to-dot page makes for a fun counting activity. You can use it as a coversation starter about transportation and how Laura’s family traveled in a covered wagon, while our modern transportation devices look much different. For fun, visit the interactive Little House on the Prairie timeline and see some of the wonderful places that Laura’s family visited!
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Wendy Piersall has been blogging professionally since 2006 and is both a lifelong artist and writer. She founded the popular Woo! Jr. Kids Activities Blog in 2008 and recently published several coloring books for adults with Ulysses Press. She lives in Woodstock, IL with her husband and three teenage children.
This is my first time visiting this website, I’m a Preschool Teacher and I really enjoyed looking at this website. This is simply wonderful!
Thank you for this remarkably beautiful activity ensemble I will keep for myself and children I care for
Oh, wow!
I love all things Little House on the Prairie! I still have all the books! My family watched every show!
So happy to discover your site.
Thank you.
Sharon H.
This is a really neat website! I love the little house show; me and my sister watch it every night. For Christmas I got the complete DVD set, and the books for my birthday. My birthday is February 5th, which is only 2 day before Laura’s, and my name is Laura too. (-:
this is exciting!