Open Casting Call for the Iconic Role of Laura Ingalls

by Website Editors | Mar 20, 2025

Just in case you missed it…Netflix announced the greenlight of a new adaptation of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s classic Little House books earlier this year! And now we’re excited to share that the search to cast the iconic role of Laura Ingalls has officially begun! Do you know an amazing child who could play the role of Laura Ingalls in this epic and thrilling family adventure? Check out the open casting call webpage and get more information about auditioning. Submissions are due by April 4, 2025.

Laura Ingalls

Laura is a disruptor. Honest to a fault. Questions authority. She is observant, tender, strong-willed, hot-tempered. She resists the bounds of 19th-century ladylike behavior — she likes to hunt and run barefoot and feel the sun on her face. She is curious and optimistic and fearless and is quick to confront anyone who is cruel or unjust. She loves fiercely and unapologetically and is utterly devoted to her dog, Jack. She absorbs every detail she sees around her, collecting them for stories she will someday share with the world.

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