Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books continue to inspire generations of young readers. They are classics in American children’s literature. But for young readers who want to know more about Laura Ingalls Wilder, the books below can enrich their reading and educational experiences with different perspectives on the Ingalls and Wilder families, the Little House world, American history and culture, or even the writing life. If you are also interested in my Recommended Reading Guide for Adults, please click here.

- Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder (in chronological order)
- Nonfiction about Laura Ingalls Wilder, Her Life & Work
- Fiction about Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane
Note: Each recommended reading comes with a free printable checklist you can take to your local bookstore or library and track which books you’ve read. Enjoy!
Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder (in chronological order)
- The Complete Little House Box Set (9 books)
- Little House in the Big Woods
- Farmer Boy
- Little House on the Prairie
- On the Banks of Plum Creek
- By the Shores of Silver Lake
- The Long Winter
- Little Town on the Prairie
- These Happy Golden Years
- The First Four Years
- On the Way Home: The Diary of a Trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri in 1894
- West From Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
- Little House Treasury
- Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Little House Books, Volumes 1 & 2
(Download the printable checklist for this reading list to take to your bookstore or library.)
Nonfiction about Laura Ingalls Wilder, Her Life & Work
Preschool Biographies and Picture Books
Middle Grade Biographies, Ages 8 – 12
- Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Laura Ingalls Wilder (A Rookie Biography)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder (Young at Heart)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder: Real-Life Pioneer of the Little House Books (People to Know)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder: Teacher and Writer (Ferguson’s Career Biography Series)
- Little Author in the Big Woods
- Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder (About the Author)
- Pioneer Girl: The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Searching for Laura Ingalls
- Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder?
Young Adult Biographies, Ages 12 and up
(Download the printable checklist for this reading list to take to your bookstore or library.)
Fiction about Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane
Middle Grade, Ages 8 – 12
- Bachelor Girl
- In the Land of the Big Red Apple
- Little Farm in the Ozarks
- Little House on Rocky Ridge Farm
- Little Town in the Ozarks
- New Dawn on Rocky Ridge
- Old Town in the Green Groves
- On the Other Side of the Hill
- On The Banks of the Bayou
(Download the printable checklist for this reading list to take to your bookstore or library.)
This is AMAZING! Summer reading lists for sure. I will visit my local library and read these all. 🙂 Can’t have me enough of Little House on the Prairie!
My niece, who is two, likes the My First Little House series. Her favorite is “Winter on the Farm.” She likes to look at each picture and pick out Almanzo (who she calls Manzo.)
Nice lists but it would help to at least add the author’s name after each biography title and the secondary books not written by LIW (Spoken as a retired librarian!). Thanks!