Dessert Recipe

Laura’s Wedding Cake Recipe – Traditional and Blueberry Topping Variation

Laura’s Wedding Cake Recipe – Traditional and Blueberry Topping Variation

That afternoon the finished black cashmere was carefully pressed, and then Ma made a big, white cake. Laura helped her by beating the egg whites on a platter with a fork, until Ma said they were stiff enough. “My arm is stiffer,” Laura ruefully laughed, rubbing her aching right arm. “This cake must be just right,” Ma insisted. “If you...

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Homemade Apple Turnovers

Homemade Apple Turnovers

Eliza Jane opened the dinner-pail on her desk. It held…four delicious apple turnovers, their plump crusts filled with melting slices of apple and spicy brown juice. —Farmer BoyApples were a popular fruit for many pioneers because they stored well and could be used in a variety of ways. Every respectable pioneer garden would have...

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