
Heart-Shaped Cakes Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Heart-Shaped Cakes Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Those stockings weren’t empty yet. Mary and Laura pulled out two small packages. They unwrapped them, and each found a little heart-shaped cake. Over their delicate brown tops was sprinkled white sugar. The sparkling grains lay like tiny drifts of snow. The cakes were...

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Watch & Learn

About The Ingalls Family

Thanks to the cozy, warm, and affectionate portrayal of the Ingalls family across all kinds of media platforms around the world, many people think of Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, Carrie, Grace, Almanzo, and even Jack the bulldog as part of their family. However, that raises...

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Let’s Get Reading


Books About the Osage People

Siouan peoples who migrated from the Atlantic coastal region and settled in the central portion of the North American continent long before the arrival of Europeans are now known as Osage. The vibrant history of the Osage is that of a proud, spiritual people known for being bold warriors and skilled hunters and farmers. We are pleased to recommend the books listed below to broaden your understanding of the history and culture of the Osage people.


Little House Books for Readers of All Ages

Laura Ingalls Wilder’s vast literary legacy has captivated readers of all ages. This specially curated list should help you find the perfect book for your Little House fan, no matter their age.


The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder: Biographies of her Life and Times

Throughout her life, Wilder saved her early writings, letters, drawings, and photographs, which have been preserved in private and public collections across the country. These collections have allowed multiple authors to delve deep into Laura’s life and the context surrounding it. Learn more about her life and times in the biographies listed below.

Family Fun

Little House on the Prairie Crossword Puzzle Printable

Little House on the Prairie Crossword Puzzle Printable

How much do you know about Little House on the Prairie and Laura Ingalls Wilder? We have a fun way for you test your knowledge and learn something new with a Little House on the Prairie Crossword Puzzle printable. You can download the Little House on the Prairie...

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Old-Fashioned Braided Rug Placemat

Old-Fashioned Braided Rug Placemat

Mary was braiding a new rug. She had cut worn-out woolen clothes in strips, and Ma had put each color in a separate box. Mary kept the boxes in order and remembered where each color was. She was braiding the rag-strips together in a long braid that coiled down in a...

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Little House History

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Me: A Prairie Girl’s Faith

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Me: A Prairie Girl’s Faith

As a child, I learned my Bible lessons by heart, in the good old-fashioned way, and once won the prize for repeating correctly . . . verses from the Bible. —Laura Ingalls WilderI would never have written A Prairie Girl’s Faith: The Spiritual Legacy of Laura Ingalls...

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Laura Ingalls Wilder: An American Fixture

Laura Ingalls Wilder: An American Fixture

In 1942, literary agent George Bye received the final manuscript from a client he had reluctantly decided to represent twelve years earlier, an author whose first work, a memoir for adults, had left him uninspired. But she had found her voice as a children’s book...

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All Things TV

About Jason Bateman

About Jason Bateman

James Cooper [to Albert]: Why didn’t you ever tell me you were an orphan?Albert Quinn Ingalls: It just never came up, I guess. Being an orphan, it’s not so bad.James Cooper: It’s bad enough. —Season 7, Episode 1Jason Bateman was born on January 14, 1969 in Rye, New...

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About Kyle Richards

About Kyle Richards

Alicia Sanderson Edwards: "You forgot?"Isaiah Edwards: "Never, never! What was supposed to remember?"Alicia Sanderson Edwards: "We were going to have lunch together.  I made sandwiches."  Season 6, Episode 8Kyle Richards' Early Life and Career Kyle Richards was born...

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About Katherine MacGregor

About Katherine MacGregor

Harriet Oleson: “Pride cometh before destruction; and a haughty spirit before a fall!” Proverbs 16:18 —Season 2, Episode 1 “The Richest Man in Walnut Grove”The Early Life of Katherine MacGregor Katherine “Scottie” MacGregor was born January 12, 1925, as Dorlee Deane...

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Prairie Dresses and Bonnets for Girls and Adults

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