Laura kept popping corn and Ma made it into balls until the large dishpan was heaped with their sweet crispness. —These Happy Golden YearsPopcorn has been an irresistible snack for kids since the 19th century, and a food the Ingalls family could grow in their home...

Annemarie Rossi
Little House on the Prairie Old Fashioned Pumpkin Pie Recipe
Hurry and get the work done,” said Ma. “And then, Laura, you go to the corn-patch and bring me a green pumpkin. I’m going to make a pie!” “A pie! But how…” Mary said, and Laura said, “A green pumpkin pie? I never heard of such a thing, Ma.” “Neither did I,” said Ma....
Little House on the Prairie Rhubarb Pie
There was pie plant in the garden; she must make a couple of pies. —The First Four YearsAfter years of living on the plains with her parents, Laura finally settled into a house of her own with Almanzo. In The First Four Years, we learn about Laura’s life as a new wife...
Plum Preserves Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
When they came to a plum thicket they set down their big pails. They filled their little pails with plums and emptied them into the big pails till they were full. —On the Banks of Plum CreekLaura loved exploring the plum thickets with her sister Mary and would...
Little House on the Prairie Cinnamon Chicken
In a classic episode of “Little House on the Prairie,” (Back to School Part 2, Season 6, Episode 2) Laura offers to cook dinner for a special date between Nellie and the handsome bachelor in town, Almanzo Wilder. Nellie’s not the only one with her eye on Almanzo, so...
Little House Creamed Carrots Recipe
There are many challenges that come from life on a farm, but there’s a big payoff, too. Food on the table at a farmhouse is as good as it comes. In Farmer Boy, the third book in the Little House on the Prairie series, we learn about life on the Wilder family farm in...
Old-Fashioned Spicy Apple Pie Recipe
But best of all Almanzo liked the spicy apple pie, with its thick, rich juice and its crumbly crust. He ate two big wedges of the pie. —Farmer BoyApple pie is an American classic. People have been enjoying this warm, comforting dish for generations. We typically think...