During long winter days, Laura and her sisters would stay inside. With no television, crafting would have been a quiet hobby to keep them busy. Whether crafting, sewing, quilting or creating, the Ingalls family would have created both ornaments for their home as well as necessary items like blankets and clothing. The craft books below will inspire and enchant any Little House fan.

My Little House Crafts Book was written by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christina Wyss Eriksson, with illustrations by Mary Collier. The book features 18 projects including straw hats, corn-husk dolls, quilt-patch blocks, and more. Crafts that require sewing will need adult supervision, but some of the crafts are surprisingly adaptable to a variety of ages. Check out Laura’s Corn Cob Doll (based on this book) to see how to make your own corn husk dolls.

My Little House Crafts Book was written by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christina Wyss Eriksson, with illustrations by Mary Collier. The book features 18 projects including straw hats, corn-husk dolls, quilt-patch blocks, and more. Crafts that require sewing will need adult supervision, but some of the crafts are surprisingly adaptable to a variety of ages. Check out Laura’s Corn Cob Doll (based on this book) to see how to make your own corn husk dolls.
Containing illustrations from Mary Collier and Deborah Maze, the My Little House Party Crafts Book: Recipes and Decorations from the Little House Books has easy to follow directions for party handicrafts and food based on excerpts from the Little House books. And if you’re going to throw a party – check out How To Throw A Little House on the Prairie Birthday Party.
The My Little House Christmas Crafts Book is also written by

Sewing and Quilting
Written by Margaret Irwin and illustrated by Mary Collier, My Little House Sewing Book will show you how to sew many of the items Laura herself made when she was growing up on the frontier! Inside this book are easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and illustrations for eight sewing projects, including Laura’s sunbonnet, an embroidery sampler, and a nine-patch quilt block. All the full-sized patterns are included, and there’s even a handy pocket inside for storing the patterns. (Also of note, McCalls has some amazing patterns for Prairie Dresses and Bonnets for both adults and children.)

Written by Linda Halpin, Quilting with Laura: Patterns Inspired by the “Little House on the Prairie” is a collection of quilting blocks, which the author has joined into a sampler quilt, that were inspired by the Little House books. It includes blocks that are actually mentioned in the series as well as traditional blocks whose names reflect events of this pioneering time. The informative sections will lead stitchers of all ages and abilities into quilting as they explore Laura’s life and times through the stories the patterns tell. (Linda also shared some quilting tips with us!)
Prairie Quilts: Projects for the Home Inspired by the Life and Times of Laura Ingalls Wilder provides a variety of quilt patterns and stitching projects reminiscent of pioneer life as it was experienced on the Midwestern frontier in the 1800’s. Expertly guided by author Johanna Wilson, enthusiasts can now preserve the tales of a lost era in American history.

And we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that in addition to her talents as a writer, Laura’s daughter Rose Wilder Lane was an accomplished needlewoman. In the 1940s, she wrote a series of articles on American needle arts for Woman’s Day, and a second series in the early 1960s. Woman’s Day Book Of American Needlework combines history with step-by-step instruction for every type of traditional American needlework.
Drawing, Coloring and Creating
Featuring classic artwork by Garth Williams and quotes from all nine original Little House books, A Little House Coloring Book is a beautifully designed coloring book that’s perfect for at-home creative time.

My Little House Sticker Book is beautifully illustrated by Renée Graef and includes two fully laminated spreads showing the Little House in the Big Woods, another laminated spread showing the yard outside, thirty reusable stickers of the Little House characters, and a brief story about Laura and Mary.

My Book of Little House Paper Dolls includes six full-color paper dolls made of sturdy card stock, several easy-to-detach and authentic outfits for each character, two full-color pull-out scenes and a special pouch in which to store your playtime supplies. It’s a thoughtful gift for the crafty Little House fan. (And if that scores well, check out the Cūbles collection!)

For more inspiration and step-by-step instructions on Little House inspired crafts, check out our crafting index.