Almanzo trudged slowly toward the hayfield with the heavy pail and a dipper. He thought to himself that the pail was too full, he might spill some of the egg-nog… He should do something to save it. So he set down the pail, he dipped the dipper full, and he drank. The...

Margaret Darazs
Old-Fashioned Homemade Peppermint Candy DIYs
Then they plunged their hands into the stockings again. And they pulled out two long, long, sticks of candy. It was peppermint candy, striped red and white. They looked and looked at the beautiful candy, and Laura licked her stick, just one lick. —Little House on the...
Old-Fashioned Farmer Boy Ice Cream Recipe (With Blueberry Variation)
'Let’s make ice-cream!’ Royal shouted. Eliza Jane loved ice-cream….They set the pail in a tub and packed the snowy crushed ice around it, with salt, and they covered it all with a blanket. Every few minutes they took off the blanket and uncovered the pail, and stirred...
Vanity Cakes Recipe
Laura and Mary made new starry papers for the shelves, and Ma made vanity cakes. —On the Banks of Plum CreekVanity Cakes Recipe: Yield six cakes Vanity cakes are the perfect treat to add to a Little House on the Prairie birthday party, unit study, or gathering. Note:...
Cranberry Jelly Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
Laura did not need to be called next morning. She was up at dawn, and all day she helped Ma bake and stew and boil the good things for next day’s Christmas dinner. Early that morning Ma added water and flour to the bread sponge and set it to rise again. Laura and...
Refreshing Old-Fashioned Summer Drink – Ginger Water Recipe plus Variations
Now the sun and the wind were hotter and Laura’s legs quivered while she made them trample the hay….She was thirsty, then she was thirstier, and then she was so thirsty that she could think of nothing else. Nothing was ever so good as that cool wetness going down her...
Homemade Apple Turnovers
Eliza Jane opened the dinner-pail on her desk. It held…four delicious apple turnovers, their plump crusts filled with melting slices of apple and spicy brown juice. —Farmer BoyApples were a popular fruit for many pioneers because they stored well and could be used in...
Make Your Own Old-Fashioned Rock Candy Recipe
When all the trading was done, the storekeeper gave Mary and Laura each a piece of candy. They were so astonished and so pleased that they just stood looking at their candies. —Little House in the Big WoodsRock candy or sugar candy has been around for centuries, so...
Little House on the Prairie Lemonade Recipe (With Strawberry Lemonade Variation)
A glossy white cloth covered the table. On it was a beautiful sugar-white cake and tall glasses… ‘Is your lemonade sweet enough?’ Mrs. Oleson asked. So Laura knew that it was lemonade in the glasses. She had never tasted anything like it. —On the Banks of Plum...