Every seam must be exactly right before Ma would let her make another, and often Laura worked several days on one short seam.
—On the Banks of Plum Creek

With the so many country-style fabrics available at your local fabric shop, it’s now possible to make some beautiful prairie dresses and sunbonnets that look authentic as well as adorable. See how one seamstress took simple fabrics and simple patterns from McCalls #7220 to create a look that evokes everything we love about Little House.

Follow the pattern directions to determine the amount of fabric needed. If you make the apron as well as the dress, you’ll need additional fabric, so decide which pieces you’re going to make. Pick up the amount of fabric that you need, depending on the size of your dress.

Carefully cut out the pattern pieces according to the directions. Remember the old saying, “Measure twice, cut once.” to prevent mistakes in sewing!
The yoke dress pattern can be worn by itself with a matching bonnet as in this simple prairie girl’s outfit below.

Or pair it with a coordinating apron as shown in this adult’s version below.

Both dresses are perfect for a Little House on the Prairie-inspired day of fun or a variety of occasions.

If you’re heading to a one-room schoolhouse or Little House on the Prairie location.

If you’re having a Little House on the Prairie themed party or picnic.

These are perfect when you need a historic Halloween costume or just feel like dressing up!

Have you ever dressed up like Laura, Mary, Ma, or Pa? We’d love to see your costumes! Share them with us on our Facebook page, Twitter, or on Instagram using the hashtag #LittleHouseMoment. Need more inspiration? Follow us on Pinterest to create and connect with other pioneer spirits.
Photos by J Ray Fine Art Photography.
Mother of five living in rural Oklahoma with her husband and children, Angela is the Founder of Untrained Housewife, co-founder of the Homestead Bloggers Network and Organic Gardening expert at About.com. She is the author of Backyard Farming on an Acre (More or Less), as well as several other books, all with the common theme of helping people embrace the journey towards self-sufficiency.
I made these dresses for my two granddaughters and am not in the process of sewing the bonnets. I appear to have lost the pattern piece which give the elastic measurement for the back of the bonnet. Would you be able to tell me the length of the elastic?
Well very often clothes were made of feed sacks, if you were able to buy material, and i new an elderly woman who told me so, she also told me one time her father had been able to purchase fabric for his wife to make dresses for sunday’s, and she used to wear it under her feed sacks dress because it was so soft. Lol
How did prairie mothers know what kind of clothes to make for their children?
It was a hard time surviving then, but life was more simple and I guess more joyful then. People cared more about each other, there was more community since. Now people are trapped in a system. They seem to have no time to pay attention to values that are important. That is why I love to watch the series of Little House on the Prairie so much.
I love little house on the prairie, I love the stories of the prairie days. I love the long dresses an sunbonnets. An the horses an wagons. I love the log cabins everything about the prairie days. I feel like I go back in time, like I’m actually there with them in the prairie days. That’s how much I love the prairie days. Sincerely Sheree Burleson
Oh, Sheree Burleson, I feel the same way!!!!! It is fun to see someone else in these modern days love the old ways as much as I do!!!
I love everything about those days on the prairie, I loved watching the reruns and still do. My son had bought me the whole collection DVDs of the little house on the prairie. I havent watched them cause I still watch them on tv. At least when they do happen to stop playing them on tv then I will probably watch the DVDs.????
I am enjoying the reruns of Little House on the Prairie years ago I was working and also raising a family and did not have much time for TV. Thank you so much for the reruns they are so good and family friendly!! I did make my daughter a prairie dress when she was young and we all loved it. Lots of fun!
This is so cool! I love the little house books.
Try Folkwear Patterns
I don’t see but these costumes with coordinating apron are the best I’ve seen! Can you ordee them finished? My daughter is 7 and we have read the entire little house series this year so she wants to be Laura for Halloween.
The pattern is readily available from most sewing stores. I would recommend talking to a local seamstress if you don’t sew to see if she can make one for you.
I’ve sewn myself two calico dresses from a Simplicity costume pattern, and three sunbonnets from the same pattern-love wearing them in the spring,fall, and winter.
I would love to make my daughter a dress as beautiful as the one Laura buys for her first teaching job, Nancy also wears a similair dress. It is the one that is two layered. However I can’t find any patterns. Any ideas?
I live in Lubbock, TX and I am having a difficult time finding authentic looking calico fabrics here. Making a prarie dress, apron, and bonnet from the adult Mc Calls pattern. We are having a Ranch Day Celebration here next month.
You might like the Little House on the Prairie fabric designs by Andover Fabrics as good options to choose from. Craftsy has some of the fabric bundles on sale right now http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=806671&U=1203862&M=29190&urllink= or you can search the Andover Store Locator to find a store near you that may carry the Little House on the Prairie Fabrics http://www.andoverfabrics.com/LHOTP_Locator.php. Also Fat Quarter Shop is carrying the fabrics and does online orders http://www.fatquartershop.com/andover-fabrics/little-house-on-the-prairie-fabrics-andover-fabrics/. I hope this helps you!
If you have a JoAnn Fabrics near you,their Keepsake Calico quilting fabrics have some beautiful floral prints.That’s where I buy my dress material from;or you can go on their site and order online.
My all time favorite. Started when I was a kid. I’ve seen every episode many times as I still watch it 4 times a day 🙂
These dresses are so adorable! I grew up watching Little House on the Prairie and I envied the beautiful dresses that they used to wear. I wish my daughter was young again so I could make matching dresses for us – that would have been such a treat to do! Perhaps if and when I have a granddaughter! There’s always hope for that!
I used this same pattern to make Little House dresses, aprons, and hats for my 6 and 7 year old granddaughters. We then spent a Little House on the Prairie weekend at littlehouseonthefarm.com near Postville, IA. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Park and Museum in Burr Oak, IA is not far away and we had a wonderful time visiting there, as well. Just a perfect “little house” experience!
That sounds like such a fun trip!
Would loved to have lived in this era
Me too life seems so much simpler Family relationships and enjoying Gods beautiful creation
Hi – I love your prairie dresses. I have made this pattern as well, although, to be more authentic, as elastic wasn’t used in Laura’s day, I added buttoned cuffs to the sleeves instead of using elastic, to keep the dresses a bit more authentic to the era. Just a thought.
Yes great tip! In this case we were facing challenges of fit so the elastic was used. One nice thing about making your own is the ability to customize them as desired! 🙂 I do love how the pinks coordinated so nicely together with the dress/apron/bonnet.