Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of A Little House Sampler.

Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder
Editor: William T. Anderson
Publisher: Harper Perennial (April 14, 1995)
For everyone who loves the Little House books–a reissue of a charming collection of early stories and reminiscences by Laura Ingalls Wilder, along with essays and writings from her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, who was an award-winning writer. This charming collection of early stories contains many never before published newspaper pieces, stories and essays by Laura Ingalls and Rose Wilder. Inspiring the popular series, these works are a vivid and personal testament to American life and history as seen by two remarkable pioneers.
About the Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. She and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. Later, Laura and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There, believing in the importance of knowing where you began in order to appreciate how far you’ve come, Laura wrote about her childhood growing up on the American frontier. For millions of readers Laura lives on forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books.
About the Editor: William T. Anderson
William Anderson (Born 1952) is an American author, historian and lecturer. He is a specialist in the subject of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her times. His interest in the American frontier began after reading Little House on the Prairie. He is a director of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, Missouri, and he lives and works as a teacher in Michigan. He has received many recognitions for his writings, including the Western History Association’s Billington Award, the Robinson award of the South Dakota State Historical Society, National Endowment for the Humanities awards and National Council of Social Studies. In September 2002, he was invited to the White House for the third of Laura Bush’s American Authors Symposia. The First Lady, a former teacher and librarian, assembled scholars, authors and historians for a conference on the frontier experience.
Pick up your own copy of A Little House Sampler here.
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