Many books are popular resources for readers interested in activities associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Quilting with Laura: Patterns Inspired by the “Little House on the Prairie” Series.

Author: Linda Halpin
Publisher: RCW Publishing Company (November 1, 1999)
This book is a collection of blocks, which the author has joined into a sampler quilt, that were inspired by the Little House books. It includes blocks that are actually mentioned in the series as well as traditional blocks whose names reflect events of this pioneering time. The informative sections will lead stitchers of all ages and abilities into quilting as they explore Laura’s life and times through the stories the patterns tell.
About the Author: Linda Halpin
Linda Halpin was fortunate to grow up with a mom who does all kinds of needle arts. She began sewing doll clothes at the age of 6, graduating later to making all of her own clothing. By the time she discovered quilting years later, she had a healthy supply of scraps just waiting to become quilts. Combining that with her love of puzzles made quilting a natural. She is one of only a handful of instructors nationwide who have been certified by the Embroiderer’s Guild of America (EGA) as an Instructor in Quiltmaking.
In addition to teaching, she also enjoys writing, such as Patches of Time (RCW Publishing, 1991), Applique a LA Mode (RCW Publishing, 1992), and Scrap Bonanza II (RCW Publishing, 2000). Her seven quiltmaking books range from quilt history, three dimensional applique, and quilted clothing, to scrap quilts, and patterns inspired by the Little House on the Prairie books. She has also served as Chairman of both EGA’s National Master Craftsman Program for Quiltmaking and Teacher Certification Programs.
A native of New York State, southwest Wisconsin is now her home.
Pick up your own copy of Quilting with Laura: Patterns Inspired by the “Little House on the Prairie” Series here.
Check out our Recommended Reading for Adults and Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults for more great books.
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