Little House on the Prairie Recipe

Eating Like a Pioneer: Little House Cookbooks

Eating Like a Pioneer: Little House Cookbooks

Have you ever wondered what the pioneers ate? Surprisingly, a number of the current staple recipes in American households aren’t that different. Fire up your oven and tie on your apron as you explore the wonderful recipes inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writings.A gorgeous hardcover edition of the award-winning cookbook The Little...

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Laura’s Wedding Cake Recipe – Traditional and Blueberry Topping Variation

Laura’s Wedding Cake Recipe – Traditional and Blueberry Topping Variation

That afternoon the finished black cashmere was carefully pressed, and then Ma made a big, white cake. Laura helped her by beating the egg whites on a platter with a fork, until Ma said they were stiff enough. “My arm is stiffer,” Laura ruefully laughed, rubbing her aching right arm. “This cake must be just right,” Ma insisted. “If you...

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Fall Popcorn Balls

Fall Popcorn Balls

Laura kept popping corn and Ma made it into balls until the large dishpan was heaped with their sweet crispness. —These Happy Golden YearsPopcorn has been an irresistible snack for kids since the 19th century, and a food the Ingalls family could grow in their home garden. While there are many kinds of feed and sweet corn, some of...

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Cranberry Jelly Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Cranberry Jelly Inspired by Little House on the Prairie

Laura did not need to be called next morning. She was up at dawn, and all day she helped Ma bake and stew and boil the good things for next day’s Christmas dinner. Early that morning Ma added water and flour to the bread sponge and set it to rise again. Laura and Carrie picked over the cranberries and washed them. Ma stewed them with...

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Old-Fashioned Creamed Corn Recipe

Old-Fashioned Creamed Corn Recipe

Thanksgiving dinner was good. Pa had shot a wild goose for it. Ma had to stew the goose because there was no fireplace, and no oven in the little stove. But she made dumplings in the gravy. There were corn dodgers and mashed potatoes. There were butter, and milk, and stewed dried plums. And three grains of parched corn lay beside each...

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