Caroline, just one more thing. Just remember, the eggs are for selling, not for throwing. —Charles Ingalls, Season 1, Episode 9 – School MomWho could forget how often Ma was able to add a bit of extra spending money by selling eggs from her chickens to the general...

Angela England
Winter Snowflake Appliqué Pillow How-To
A recent issue of From Scratch Magazine featured some of our fabrics in a quilted snowflake winter pillow DIY. We wanted to share another variation for a winter pillow DIY with this simple four-patch background appliqué snowflake. Both projects feature the beautiful...
A Little House on the Prairie Inspired Christmas
Christmas was coming —Little House in the Big WoodsChristmas is a special holiday for Laura Ingalls Wilder, and she writes with fond remembrance of the holiday gatherings, special traditions, and heartfelt gifts from her childhood. Her simple joy at even the littlest...
Pioneer Era Games Laura Ingalls May Have Played
Have you ever wondered what games pioneer children played? Laura Ingalls Wilder describes many games and activities in her books, and research shows us a few other games that children played during this era. Here you’ll see a full list of games and activities from the...
18 Crafts to Celebrate Your Pioneering Spirit!
We can't help but think about how many of the beautiful crafts and goods the Ingalls Family made that are no longer made by hand. While some of their skills feel lost on us today, they can still be enjoyed as hobbies for relaxation or embraced for making personalized...
About Ketty Lester
Hester Sue: Just for the record, I have been married once and I don’t plan on being married again. Not to anyone. Not if he was the last man on Earth. But of course, you may call me “Hester Sue.” Joe (chuckles): Hester Sue, the town you’re going to ain’t nothin’ like...
Cotton Babies Introduces New Licensed Cloth Diapers: Cloth diaper company teams up with Little House on the Prairie
ST. LOUIS (PRWEB) November 22, 2017 - Cotton Babies, Inc., maker of the best-selling bumGenius® cloth diaper line, has announced a licensing deal with Little House on the Prairie®. Available now, the Little House in the Big Woods™ Collection is an exclusive set of 3...
About Linwood Boomer
Adam Kendall: You know what I like about this school?Mary Ingalls: No, what?Adam Kendall: I can kiss you in front of the entire class, and no one would ever know. —Season 5, Episode 4Linwood Boomer’s Early Life and Career Linwood Boomer was born on October 9, 1955,...
About Merlin Olsen
Perseverance isn’t just the willingness to work hard. It’s that plus the willingness to be stubborn about your own belief in yourself. —Merlin OlsenMerlin Olsen Early Years Born in Utah, Merlin Olsen was the second oldest of nine children, making for a busy and...
About Shannen Doherty
Jenny Wilder: [to Laura] “You don’t have to drive me to school tomorrow. I’m gonna walk.”Laura Ingalls Wilder: “That’s an awfully long way. Are you sure?”Jenny Wilder: “I’ll make it. Believe me. I’ll make it." —Season 9 Episode 12, Marvin’s GardenEarly Years Shannen...
Edible Landscaping Tips Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
The colors in the sky at sunset, the delicate tints of the early spring foliage, the brilliant autumn leaves, the softly colored grasses and lovely flowers - what painter ever equaled their beauties with paint and brush? —Laura Ingalls WilderI grew up watching...
Prairie Dresses and Bonnets for Girls and Adults
Every seam must be exactly right before Ma would let her make another, and often Laura worked several days on one short seam. —On the Banks of Plum CreekWith the so many country-style fabrics available at your local fabric shop, it’s now possible to make some...
My Little House Crafts Book Review
Throughout the Little House books, the Ingalls family stays busy day in and day out making their home cozy and safe. Many of their daily activities were done out of necessity but they also created beautiful playthings, and added ornamental charm to an otherwise simple...
Little House Inspired Family Fun Crafts and Activities
Fans of Little House on the Prairie often talk about the fun times the Ingalls family had together. We’ve captured that spirit of creativity and connection by sharing some of our favorite old-fashioned crafts that you can do together as a family! Celebrate your...
The Little House Cookbook Review
You can't help but think about food as you read through the Little House books - so much of a pioneer's life revolved around growing and acquiring food on a seasonal cycle. Indeed, large passages of the books are dedicated to the description of food and meals. So it's...