I was introduced to grace at an exceptionally young age. My sister and I landed the role of Baby Grace Ingalls as infants, and before long we responded to our new identity with ease. I’m still surprised how my toddler-self knew when to be Baby Grace and when to be Wendi.
It’s safe to say, I don’t have many memories of our first three seasons, but as a four-year-old, I sat in front of the TV mesmerized as I watched “Little House on the Prairie,” my favorite show. My twin sister, Brenda, and I would giggle and point every time Baby Grace came on the screen. I grew up thinking we were the luckiest twins in the world. Now I know even better. We were given the opportunity to join a loving television family—big-time grace.

Wendi with her sister Brenda Weatherby on the set of Little House on the Praire at MGM Studios
The four seasons on the set of MGM Studios working with Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, and the rest of the cast were magical. The set was our Wonderland. We spent our toddling days wearing bonnets, taking naps in our dressing room, and thinking we were movie stars.
Wendi Lou Lee as Baby Grace, Season 7 Episode 19 – Blind Justice
Our stint of stardom ended when Charles and Caroline Ingalls moved away from Walnut Grove, taking Baby Grace with them. The show continued with Laura and Almanzo’s family taking center stage.

From the set of Little House on the Prairie. Photo by Jackie Juchniewicz.
My sister and I left acting and went on to kindergarten, the best parenting decision my mom ever made. Leaving Hollywood allowed us to live ordinary, full lives. The only drawback was that we lost contact with our Little House family, but with time, we were reunited once again.
Twenty-three years later, nervous and elephant-sized pregnant with my first child, I saw my Little House family for a reunion at the Hollywood Race Track. The cast couldn’t believe their eyes. How could Baby Grace be having a baby? And I couldn’t believe mine. These people opened their arms to us, as warm and welcoming as I remembered them—like a real family.

Wendi with her husband Josh and their children Tobey, Raegan, and Mo. Photo by Julie Neiggemann.
My sister and I started traveling to Little House events with the cast. I’ll never forget signing my first autograph. I was amazed that people remembered me. Being a Little House star again, even for just the weekend, was unbelievable. I’d return home and tell my family all about my exciting adventures in places all over the country.
Charles and Caroline had their share of hard times, and our family could relate. In 2015, I began to experience excruciating headaches and confusion. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. To keep my family and friends updated on my health, I started writing. Putting words on the page meant I had to become vulnerable, transparent. I’d never done anything so brave before, I felt free to be myself and free to tell my stories. Like Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Wendi after brain surgery in November of 2015. Photo courtesy of Wendi Lou Lee.
I headed into surgery with an overwhelming peace that God had a plan for my future even though there were no guarantees that I would wake up or remember my name. Surprisingly, the first story out of my mouth after waking up from brain surgery was about being Baby Grace on Little House on the Prairie. You should have seen the look on my recovery nurse’s face! Not only were my memories intact, but also a desire to tell my story took root.

The beginnings of my memoir, Red Tail Feathers, started way back then. In the middle of my long year of recovering from brain surgery. The most significant lesson I gleaned from that difficult season was how grace sometimes hides itself in the hard moments, too. Grace isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. It’s hard to see at times, we don’t always know how to discover it on our own.
Red Tail Feathers starts with a story about a little bird. A bird who flew into my life at the perfect moment and challenged me to see the endless ways God chooses to demonstrate His grace. That led to a seven-year-long search of finding grace in every chapter of my life. From my early days in show business to the life-changing events of adulthood, and how grace continues to show up day after day. I hope my collection of stories is contagious for readers wanting to do the same.
Red Tail Feathers reminds us to keep our eyes wide open so we can recognize God’s goodness as we dare to discover the beauty of grace around us. When we do, He exceeds our most wild and simple dreams.
My first book, A Prairie Devotional (released in 2019), is about the ups and downs of life—the joys and sorrows we all face. Each devotion contains a personal story, from my life and from the episodes of Little House, to help us navigate life’s challenges. My hope is to inspire us to live the way Charles and Caroline Ingalls did—devoted to their faith in God, dedicated to their families, and determined to spread kindness to those around them.

There’s one question that nearly everyone asks: “How much do you even remember?” It’s hard to say if my memories are based on my actual experience or rather on a lifetime of my mother’s commentaries as we watched episode after episode of “Little House on the Prairie.” In a way, her stories help me remember.
That’s the power of story. Laura Ingalls Wilder told stories, and if we are brave enough, we can too.
Recommendations from the Website Editors
A number of the cast members from “Little House on the Prairie” have written about their experiences. Below are links to our website articles about them, as well as to their books, which make entertaining reading and inspired gifts for fans of the television series.
Melissa Anderson
- Article: About Melissa Sue Anderson
- Memoir: The Way I See It: A Look Back at My Life on Little House
Alison Arngrim
- Article: About Alison Arngrim
- Memoir: Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated
Dean Butler
- Article: About Dean Butler
- Memoir: Prairie Man: My Little House Life and Beyond
- From the Author: Dean Butler’s Memoir – Prairie Man: My Little House Life and Beyond
Melissa Francis
- Article: Melissa Francis: Lessons from the Prairie
- Memoir: Lessons from the Prairie: The Surprising Secrets to Happiness, Success, and (Sometimes Just) Survival I Learned on America’s Favorite Show
- Memoir: Diary of a Stage Mother’s Daughter: A Memoir
Melissa Gilbert
- Article: About Melissa Gilbert
- Memoir: Prairie Tale: A Memoir
- Cookbook: My Prairie Cookbook: Memories and Frontier Food from My Little House to Yours
- Memoir:Back to the Prairie, A Home Remade, A Life Rediscovered
Karen Grassle
- Article: About Karen Grassle
- Memoir: Bright Lights, Prairie Dust: Reflections on Life, Loss, and Love from Little House’s Ma
Wendi Lou Lee
- Article: About Wendi Lou Lee
- Memoir: A Prairie Devotional: Inspired by the Beloved TV Series
- Memoir: Red Tail Feathers: Dare to Discover the Beauty of Grace
- From the Author: Finding Grace in Every Chapter of Life
Ketty Lester
- Article: About Ketty Lester
- Memoir: Ketty Lester: From the Cotton Fields To Grammy Nominated “Love Letters” to Little House on the Prairie
Charlotte Stewart
- Article: Miss Beadle and Me
- Memoir: Little House in the Hollywood Hills: A Bad Girl’s Guide to Becoming Miss Beadle, Mary X, and Me
For information about Laura Ingalls Wilder whose novels inspired the TV series, please visit our Recommended Reading lists for children and young adults and adults. You may also be interested in a documentary film about Laura Ingalls Wilder.
We invite you to subscribe to the free Little House on the Prairie newsletter for all the exclusive interviews and events.
Wendi is a former child actor and author ofA Prairie Devotionaland a memoir,Red Tail Feathers. Wendi has a passion for sharing stories of God’s goodness through adversity and helping others do the same. Connecting with people—one person at a time—brings Wendi the most joy. Follow her atwendiloulee.com.
I resently had bypass surgery very unexpected but still it had to be done . There was not a day leading up to the surgery that I was nervous. We had to wait outside the operating doors because they didn’t have all the instruments ready, finally as I was taken through the doors I suddenly felt a calm peaceful feeling come over me , and to this day I tell everyone had no fear only peacefulness because I knew God was with me in my hour of need🙏🙏♥️♥️
Looking forward to reading both books but especially anticipate reading Red Tail Feathers. I enjoy the power of the story and am sure Wendi’s stories are wonderful. Can’t wait to read them
I would love to read both but the one that intrigues me the most is Red Tail Feather. As a kid I loved everything LHOTP.
These sound great!
Excited to read this
I can’t wait to read both A Prairie Devotional and Red Tail Feathers. I’m a big fan of all things Little House and grew up watching the series.
Red Tail Feathers – LOVE reading memoirs!
Want to read both books!
I am excited to read both books equally.
I would love to read the newest book called Red Tail Feathers.
I sure hope I win as I love Little House and would love
these books for my collection.
It was great meeting you in Cartwright’s Grove, KY
Thank you
I am excited to check out the Red Tail Feathers first then the Devotional
I can’t wait to read prairie devotional, prayers for u
Both of these books sound like wonderful reads, so I am looking forward to reading them. It’s amazing that Wendi is able to remember enough to write these books. Since I enjoy memoirs I think I am most looking forward to reading Red Tail Feathers and the journey that the baby “Graces” endured while filming and also their personal lives too!
I would like both books please
These are both so awesome but going with “A Prairie Devotional”
I´m excited to read Red Tail Feather because it seems to be a very encouraging book.
If I’m not lucky enough to win Red Tail Feathers, I have added it to my shopping cart to purchase. I’m a big fan of anything related to Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Thank you!
I am excited to read the Prairie Devotional. I watched every episode of Little House
many times and am excited to see how the book conects to the show.
I would love to read this book.
I’m a big fan of Little House on the Prairie and Red Tail Feathers sounds like it will be a good read, I just entered today so good luck 👍
I think Red Tail Feathers would be an interesting read…. I like the description of introduction and at the top of the charts. I am sorry to hear you were sick 🙏 I will always vision you as babyGrace and God Bless you!
This is my favorite show of all time. I watch the reruns every morning. I have seen them all at least 4 times and still love them. This is the only show I will watch reruns on. They sure don’t make shows like this anymore. What a lost treasure.
It was an honor to meet you on the General Jackson. I could never express how much the trip meant to me. My story is a long one so I’ll just say bless you all for giving me a day I will never forget. 🙏
What a great giveaway! So nice!
I would love both books. I love LHOTP and still watch it to this day.
I am really looking forward to reading Red Tail Feathers! It looks like an amazing book! I love all books about Laura Ingalls Wilder and her entire family! i can’t get enough
Red tail feathers but I am excited for both of these books. Have watched little house since I was small and still love it
Definitely A Prairie Devotional. Love this! Thank you for doing this. Love LHOP. Grew up with it and have all DVD’s. Everyone on the show has been so gracious!
love little little house on the parie Best family show evere
I am excited about reading both of these books My favorite will probably be A Prairie Devotional. Which in most excited to read! I will love to share them with my daughter & granddaughter!
I don’t know how to choose. Both books sound wonderful.
How exciting and heart-warming to read and learn a little bit about Wendi Lou Lee who played baby Grace (along with her twin sister Brenda) on Little House on the Prairie! I would love to read her books. I have read every Little House book 3 times, and I’ve read a book or two by Rose Wilder. I’ve probably seen every Little House episode 2 or 3 times. Wendi is lovely and I know that her words of grace and faith would really do my heart good and give to me so much encouragement… And help me to find grace, not only during times of adversity, but in everyday living. God bless Wendi <3
I’m so excited to learn there are more books coming out re the Ingalls family, “Little House On The Prairie’, etc. My mother (Maxine Ingalls Thomas) was a distant cousin of Laura’s and she often talked about everything she knew about the Ingalls family. Her father was John Ingalls and he was born in Wisconsin. I grew up in Minnesota and so I had the opportunity to visit the site of the “Little House In The Big Woods” in Wisconsin and I also had an enjoyable weekend in Walnut Grove, MN. I have every book written by Laura and also books about Laura and I also have several books by her daughter Rose Wilder Lane. Since I now live in Missouri, I finally had the opportunity to go to Mansfield, MO to visit the Ingalls home. I’m happy that both you and your twin are doing so well.
I do not know which book appeals to me more. A devotional is always helpful to me so I will say that but both I would like.
Anxious to read both books!!
I’m so excited to read Red Tail Feathers!
They will love reading the new Red Tail Feathers book. They’ve read the Prairie Devotional already. I’m not much of a reader myself. 🙂
I have friends and family that love the show and will love to read this!
I love Little House On The Prairie. I would love to win one of these books. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I’m excited to read both books, but I’m especially looking forward to “A Prairie Devotional” because I really enjoy reading devotionals for a great start to my day!
I love the idea of the devotional. I can’t wait to read more books about prairie life and from my favorite prairie people.
Love the books as well as the series.
I have read all the little house books and I reread them over and over I love Wendi Lou Lee’s book and it’s really good
It will make my Little House reading complete to have these books. I have lived near Walnut Grove and I am a huge fan of all things Little House.
I have always loved little house on the prairie my favorite TV show and I have only read 1 of the books, there hard to find these days and the prices on some of these books are so high
I have loved Little House on the Prairie, since I was a little girl.
I’ve loved reading any little house books my whole life and loved the tv show too!!
The books are nice.
I have read all the Little House books and read them to my children and met Nellie on a train ride when I went to a Laura Ingalls reenactment history day. I have studied about Laura and have done her craft wool coasters. I have watched the tv movies many times. I saw Michael Landon in San Francisco when I was young. I would love to win the two books, they sound wonderful.
I love the little house books and look forward to reading this one.
I am most excited about the Prairie Devotional. I have loved Little House since i was a kid and i need to get closer to God. How you described the book makes me want to read it and go on my own journey.
I would like to read Red Tail Feathers because I understand it is a story of Wendi Lou Lee’s life and how Grace has impacted her life.
I would like to read both. I need the encouragement.
I would love to read both of them. LHOTP was one of my childhood favorites. I have read the books so many times!
Read your “Prairie Devotional” and have passed it along to friends — the power of family is so strong! Would love to follow that up with Red Tail Feathers!
Red Tail Feathers because I need more Grace in my life. I met you recently in Mayfield, KY and you were so nice and gracious. Thank you.
‘A Prairie Devotional’ was lovely and inspirational. Now I’m looking forward to reading ‘Red Tail Feathers.’
I have an identical twin sister also and I am excited to read your books. I have already made reservations for the 50th reunion in Walnut Grove MN and can not wait to meet you and the cast members. This is a dream in the works for me. I am soooo excited I can not wait. Grew up watching LHOTP.
There is a 50th reunion! When is it and how do i get tickets to go?
Excited to read either book! I love reading memoirs and am always looking for a good devotional. Little House is one of my all-time favorite shows and I watch it regularly.
Both books sound amazing. I, too, am going through a cancer journey and have found writing and leaning on the Lord have made these past two years a journey with purpose.
I loved this show and the book sounds amazing!
This was a program that I loved watching while I was growing up and continue to watch today. I have read all of the books and continue to read all the new publications. Please keep all of our hearts beating with new stories of prairie days. I do re-enactments of the 1800’s and it is only a weekend at a time, I can’t imagine everyday. God bless you all.
I’m not really sure, I really like the sound of both books, but I guess I might be a little more excited about the memoir than the devotional, but it’s a close call. I really like memoirs and biographies so that was the deciding factor for me.
I would love to read both books. I love watching Little House. I have the entire show on DVD and watch the reruns everyday on television.
I read many memoirs, I am excited to Red Tail Feathers.
As a writer I look forward to the lives of other writers.
Red Tail Feathers!
I never knew Baby Grace was twins, like Carrie! Amazing. Though no relation, the girls sure do look like Karen Grassle..beautiful.
I’m always interested in reading work by an author whose book I haven’t previously read.
I would like to read both, so if I was to win, I would take either book.
I would love to Read Red Tail Feathers. I have read your other book it was so inspirational to me. To have a signed copy would be incredible.
Both books sound really good, but I think I’d really want to read about your Little House experiences in the Red Tail Feathers book.
This would be great to win, I need an incentive to start reading again
Red Tail Feathers
I loved baby Grace on Little House.You and your sister were both so cute!You are both beautiful now.I am so glad you survived your brain tumor surgery.I want to win your book Red Tail Feathers.
Red Tail Feathers as I love the title.
My whole family would have family night every night that Little House would air a new show! It became a family tradition. Even my husband would watch! So happy for family friendly shows then and am today!
Like to read any of your books love Little House on the prairie watch it everyday
Most looking forward to A prairie devotional
Most looking forward to Red Tail Feathers to learn about her story and perspective and how God can work.
I would love to read Prairie Devotional. I loved the Little House on the Prairie show and how the Ingalls lived.
i would like red feathers please . i would like the other book also . but if only one i will take the red tail feathers .
I’m excited about both but mostly about Prairie Devotional.
I’m excited for the devotional, because I’ve read parts of it because of a friend. I’d love to physically have the book. ❤️
Red Tail Feathers! I already have a copy of A Prairie Devotional, and it was such a good read. I am excited to read Wendi’s memoir. She is such a genuinely sweet person and she seems so relatable.
It is so refreshing that there is still women who are so interested in the old times era I would so much love to be able to read and have signed autograph of a novel a time in History that many of still want need and it is in my must haves thank you for taking the time to write what i am sure is a treasure to see read and have
I am most excited to read Red Tail Feathers because my sister also had a brain tumor removed and she is fine, other than a little PTSD from the experience. I really want to read what story your brain wanted you to tell.
Red Tail Feathers would be my first choice to read.
I would Like “Red Tail Feathers
Thank You
I would love to win! I’ve been a long time fan of everything “Little House on the Prairie!” Dee Bruns
Red Tail Feathers because I already have A Prairie Devotional.
I just can’t wait to read Red Tail Feathers. LHOTP was such an important part of my growing up.
So excited to read both books!! I grew up with LHOTP, and been to Mansfield twice, and Desmit. I ready the LHOTP books every year and Watch the TV show all the time!
I’m excited to read either as they both sound amazing. Thank you for sharing. Blessings
I enjoyed watching Little House and all the characters. Wish I could have met the real Laura.
I love the Lord and would love to be encouraged by your books too.
They both sound like amazing books. The devotional sounds like a fun first read for me.
I am looking forward to reading a Prairie Devotional
Very excited about the new memoir! I love seeing “Baby Grace” all grown up and sharing the reality of God’s loving kindness in all circumstances.
I would be interested in A Prairie Devotional. I have always been a Little House fan and would like to relate to the simple life.
I can’t decide which book is better. I’m a huge Little House fan!
God bless you and keep you safe. I am over 80 years old and read all Laura’s books. A part of my living room is devoted to Laura. When we lived in Oroville, Mick Ista was our pastor. Toni
I’m always looking for a good devotional so I think I’m most excited for the devotional. It will bring an interesting perspective to this Little House fan.
Both books sound lovely– I would love to read both, but I am especially interested in the devotional!
I have been a part of the launch of red Tail Feathers & would love to win an autographed copy of that book, but I love both of her books because they are so inspiring & teach us how to draw closer to God & His blessings!!
My favorite show as I watched over and over year after year little house on the prairie how I only wished I had a family like that.
I’m excited about every new book regarding Laura Ingalls Wilder or Little House on the Prairie. I have the Wilder’s in my family history; so never too much to learn.
I love the little house on the prairie, love to read red tail feathers. Thankyou for the chance,💕
I would love to get the Prairie devotional! It sounds like it would be perfect for me.
I am really excited about the devotional! I love all things Little house and having a devotional just seems really special and unique.
Red Tail Feathers
I would love to read the devotional! Right now my daughter and I are reading a devotional based on The Secret Garden. Previously we had read devotional books based on Little Women, and Anne of Green Gables. I really, really loved all the Little House Books and would love to read A Prairie Devotional!
Wendi, I’m so sorry you had to fight a brain tumor and had to have brain surgery. But I’m super happy you made it and started your writing!
Either book would be fine but If I had to choose I’d love to win a copy of your A Prairie Devotional. We all need to spread kindness to those around us in a world like what we have to share today.
Thank you for sharing both with us ❤️.
Red Tail Feathers
I’m excited to get the opportunity to read these books!! LHOP stories are still intriguing at age 58!!
I would love to read both books. I’m looking for an uplifting & encouraging book.
I am anxious to read Red Tail Feathers.
I want one of book my name dawn ashley 415 north webster st Apt#1 kokomo,in 46901 and I m deaf female 56 age on October 27,1966 I love watch tv all time that my favorite show big star number one for all .
I wish meet all I wish coloring book and reading books.
Appricate : thank yu God Bless You All
As a child, I remember reading the Little House in the prairie books! So exciting to hear about the life after the show from the cast members.
I would love to read Red Tail Feathers. Hearing others’ stories of life’s struggles and joys is a way to connect through the words on the pages.
So excited about this giveaway! Red Tail Feathers sounds incredibly inspirational. My family is facing a hard road ahead for a child we love dearly, and finding grace through the pain is something I keep working on.
I would love to read “Red Tail Feathers” because it sounds like a beautiful and inspirational book.
I’m so excited to have a chance to win this giveaway. I just love Little House on the Prairie. And love Wendi Lou Lees books. Thank you
I am looking forward to red tail feathers. Looks like it will be good!
I love devotionals … A Prairie Devotional sounds like a good way to start the day! 🙂
Thankyou Wendy for writing these 2 inspired books! Congratulations! I’m sure they will be a great blessing to everyone. I’m in my early 60’s and watched Little House with my family every week. We wouldn’t miss it. We live in the prairies of Alberta Canada and can relate to many of the story lines and especially my father, as he has American roots. The whole cast was wonderful, we remember you and your sister very well and what a blessing baby grace was to the Ingalls family! I am also a writer (and our son on the Autism spectrum). We collaborate on his books with great imagination, and I’m writing my farm girl spiritual journey and someday hope to encourage others in the Lord and family values as well. Thanks again and God Bless you and yours!
I’d be happy to read either book. I met Wendi at a Little House function and she seemed like such a sweet person!
Red Tail feathers looks like a great book to read
I love these books and really want to win
I would love to read A Prairie devotional.
Greatest Book of our lifetime to lead to a television series that is superb in portraying our history and reminds of the truly important things in everyone evolve from families rearing, loving, teaching by examples. Also how important community is for everyone.
I am excited to read this book!
The entire “Little House on the Prairie” series has always been amazing and something I’ve loved ever since I saw the first episode. I have been fascinated with all of the characters and actors in the show. Fortunately, my television cable service shows the reruns somewhat regularly and I record them to watch them at my leisure.
Both sound wonderful! But I love birds so maybe the Red Tail Feathers….
I would love to have both books, but I would be most excited to read Red Tail Feathers, because I struggle to find grace in small everyday things.
I would love to win an autograpghed copy of Red Tail Feathers! I am a huge Little House fan!
I grew up watching the show and couldn’t wait for the next show to come on the next day. I would love to read Red Tail Feathers to learn how her day to day life was.
I love Grace. She is more beautiful today all grown up
A Prairie Devotional
I am most excited about the devotional. I start each day with a little time with a devotional and think this one would be the perfect way to start my morning.
I’ve really been feeling down lately and it would be nice to see if this could help bring me back up.
Both actually but if I had to choose I guess I would say Red Tail Feathers.
Oh, this is such a nice giveaway!
I am most interested in reading “Red Tail Feathers”, Wendy’s memoir.
My daughter this summer took her daughter of 11 on a trip to see where little house on the prairie house is and toured all of it. The granddaughter is obsessed with little house on the prairie. She even had a little house on the prairie birthday party theme a few years ago. She would be so thrilled with these books. Thank ou
What a beautiful set of books! I am most excited about A Prairie Devotional.
Oh my goodness!! How special 💕 my daughters would love to read this book.
I’d love to read both books! But especially A Prairie Devotional.
I am most excited to read the Red Tail Feathers book. I loved the Little House series and have the entire collection on both DVD and Blu-Ray. I wish that television shows today were as good as this series. It is difficult to see Hollywood removing God and his goodness from television shows today.
I love watching the show. I’m have the collection of the Little House on the Prairie and the books.
I would really enjoy reading “Red Tail Feathers”.
I ambexcited to share Wendi’s new Devotional with my girls. We are currently in De Smet visiting the homestead and museums here. We are having a great time!
I’m most excited to read Red Tail Feathers. I love reading memoirs, and I know this one will be awesome!
Congratulations on both your books and so happy you survived the brain tumor! Congrats on that and God Bless You Wendy Lee!!
I am most excited to read Red Tail Feathers because Wendi keeps talking about how it is her baby and she seems so much more enthusiastic about it.
I love inspirational stories!
I would love to read these books.
I read all the books watched all the movies.
I’m excited about both of these books! I don’t think I can choose one over the other!
Red Tail Feathers is just what I need right now – very similar journey, I’m definitely needing grace in this season.
I collect LH books and would love to have these! So glad you’re writing books.
I’m most excited about A Prairie Devotional! Little House on the Prairie has been my favorite show since it began!
My daughter enjoyed Little House and we have 3 granddaughters that we look forward to reading the stories to them
I would like to start with Red Tail Feathers because some inspiration would be nice to hear in these hard times of the forest fires, war, and epidemics.
I am most excited for the Red Tails Feathers – to learn more about God’s grace and purpose in life’s hardships. However, I am equally excited to read the Prairie Devotional; both books look absolutely amazing! I have grown up reading the little house books myself and placing myself in the stories right along Mary and Laura. I have visited Pepin numerous times, and have now introduced my own daughters to these wonderful books brought them to Walnut Grove and De Smet. I hope that one day we can visit each of the sites.
I would love to win The Prairie Devotional!! I love anything LHotP, and I also am doing a devotional for Little Women that I’m loving and I think I’d love this one even more. ❤️
I am excited to read both books!
if i win i will donate the books at the annual christmas gift giving drive for poor children in our town. i love these books and hope to share them with children who will enjoy them.
I want to read them all. I’ve read every Little House on the Prairie book
The book I am most excited about winning is Red Tail Feathers
I can’t wait to read Red Tail Feathers!
I would like to get the Red Tail Feathers : Dare to Discover the Beauty of Grace I love watching the show Little House on the Prairie all the time . I like reading books that people wrote about them . When I was younger I read all the books that Laurie Ingalls Wilder wrote about her life and they are great.
Red Tail Feathers! I just love memoirs. I truly enjoy devotional books as well though.
Red Tail Feathers about Grace sounds very interesting. I would like to read both though. Thank you for the giveaway!
I’m excited for the prairie devotional…..
I’m curious about “Red Tail Feathers” which feels like something inspirational.
We all need reminding that grace is with us.
Red Tail Feathers, I like to start from the beginning.
I am excited to read both of the books. A Prairie Devotional has been on my Amazon wish list for a while now.
I watch Little House on the Prairie because it reminds me alot of my growing up years. We had a well we had to let the bucket down and draw it up also. We had a farm also and outhouse. Just so may things remind me of my growing up years. God Bless you all.
Can’t wait to read
I would like to read both books
I look forward to reading Red Tail Feathers. I love Little House as a child, own the entire series on DVD and I won’t get rid of it even though DVDs are outdated, and love to share the books with my students.
I’m excited to read Red Tail Feathers in general, but I’m also intrigued by the beautiful title!
I have loved learning, reading ,and watching episodes of little house for many years. Would so love to have this book.
Thank you
Alway watched and enjoyed Little House on the Prairie