- Baked Beans Recipe Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
- Butternut Squash Recipes We Love
- Cranberry and Brown Sugar with Mint Glaze Country-Style Ham
- Cranberry Jelly Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
- Cream Carrots Recipe
- Cinnamon Chicken Recipe
- Cornbread Stuffing Inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder
- DIY Maple Sugar Candy
- Fall Popcorn Balls
- Farmer Boy Ice Cream
- Heart-Shaped Cakes
- Homemade Apple Turnovers
- Johnny-Cake Recipe Laura Made
- Laura’s Wedding Cake (Traditional and Blueberry Variation)
- The Little House Cookbook Review
- Lemonade and Strawberry Lemonade Recipes
- Old-Fashioned Creamed Corn Recipe
- Old-Fashioned Homemade Eggnog Recipe
- Old-Fashioned Homemade Peppermint Candy DIYs
- Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Pie Recipe
- Old-Fashioned Spicy Apple Pie
- Pan-Fried Fish Fillets With Lemon Dill Sauce
- Plum Preserves
- Refreshing Old-Fashioned Summer Drink Recipe – Ginger Water with Variations
- Rhubarb Pie
- Rock Candy Recipe
- Tomato Ginger Preserves Recipe
- Vanity Cakes Recipe
- 50+ Ways to Use Little House on the Prairie Fabric
- Baby Carrie’s Little House on the Prairie Tree Topper DIY
- DIY Lemon Verbena Feed-Sack Sachets
- DIY Paper Heart and Star Garlands
- DIY Pepper Wreaths
- Homemade Dipped Beeswax Candles
- Homemade DIY Little House on the Prairie™ Stockings
- Handmade Fabric Bookmarks for Old-Fashioned Reading Fun
- Homemade Jewelry for Children and Grown-Ups
- Homemade Mommy and Me Apron DIY
- How to Create the Green Yarn from “Christmas at Plum Creek”
- Laura’s Tin Can Lanterns DIY
- Little House on the Prairie Hoop Project DIY
- Little House on the Prairie® DIY No Sew Christmas Tablerunner
- Little House on the Prairie Rag Doll Puppet DIY
- Make Your Own Corn Cob Dolls DIY
- Make Your Own Flower Hair Wreath
- Making Homemade Butter With Kids
- My Little House Crafts Book Review
- Old-Fashioned Braided Rug Placemat
- Quilting with Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Straw Hat Embellishments with Little House on the Prairie® Fabrics
- Tips for Quilters inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Winter Pillow DIY – Applique Snowflake Pillow
- Edible Landscaping Tips Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
- Growing Heirloom Corn Varieties
- Growing Historical Lettuce Varieties
- Pioneer Kitchen Gardens: How the Pioneers Planned and Planted
- Plants that Laura Knew and Grew
- Sweet Potatoes and Pioneers
Family Fun
- Create Your Own Little House in the Big Woods Diorama
- Keeping Backyard Chickens for Fresh Eggs
- Covered Wagon DIY Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
- DIY Little House on the Prairie-Themed Summer Camp
- Doll Tea Party plus Make Your Own Slate DIY
- How to Throw a Little House on the Prairie Birthday Party
- Keeping Backyard Chickens for Fresh Eggs
- Little House Inspired Family Fun Crafts and Activities
- Little House on the Prairie Inspired Family Picnic
- Little House on the Prairie Treasure Box Summer Activity
- Making Butter With Kids
- Pioneer Era Games Laura Ingalls May Have Played
- Prairie Dresses and Bonnets for Girls and Adults
- Six Can’t-Miss Things to Do and See in De Smet, South Dakota
- Wooden Peg Dolls DIY Inspired by Little House on the Prairie
I love this website! I can’t believe I never stumbled across it before considering how many times I have looked up stuff about Laura Ingalls Wilder (and family). I have only recently realized just how popular Little House is. I thought i was something of an anomaly! I read the books many times over as a girl, have read many of the magazine articles she wrote, and I have been watching the tv series over and over ever since it first aired. I am 52 and still watching! (I have the whole series on dvd.)
One thing that I am surprised to not see on this site (and would really like to) is a section on fashion. I remember in the later books Laura described the dresses they made for for Mary and then herself in quite a lot of detail, as well as their hair styles.
Something I would love to know is whether any LH fans have tried making a green pumpkin pie, and if it really does taste like apple. If I can ever get my hands on a green pumpkin, I intend to give it a try!
I am so glad that I came across your site. The Ingles family grew on our family. I watched some of the episodes as a child, usually at eight o’ clock on Friday evenings. That was long ago . If I am not mistaken 1979 about. So today I have four of my own children and we home school them. We are currently going through all the seasons again for the second time together with the children. We have learned a lot from the television series as well as from the Laura books that we read every evening after supper. I like to sit with google earth and pin point all the places that we read about of in the books.
We just cant get enough of it.
So interesting.
What an inspiration your family is in today’s world! Keep them youngsters humble and caring and interested. Great job dad!!