“Almanzo Wilder: Life Before Laura” explores his childhood, farm life, and values in Dean Butler’s documentary. A must-watch for Little House on the Prairie fans!
The emphasis Laura Ingalls Wilder gave to learning sprang directly from the value her parents placed on education. In this Learning section, you can explore a variety of educational resources for all ages and across multiple topics, such as literature, history, and music.
Dean Butler’s Memoir – Prairie Man: My Little House Life and Beyond
Prairie Man is about my gratitude for so many good things that have come my way during my 68 years in the world.
Osage Women and Empire: Gender and Power
The Osage empire, as most histories claim, was built by Osage men’s prowess at hunting and war. But, as Tai S. Edwards observes in Osage Women and Empire, Osage cosmology defined men and women as necessary pairs. In their society, hunting and war, like everything else, involved both men and women. Only by studying the gender roles of...
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane on the Path into Fiction
In mid-February 1931, Laura Ingalls Wilder found a surprise in her rural Missouri mailbox—a letter from New York publisher Alfred A. Knopf. Opening the letter, Wilder discovered that editor Marion Fiery, the head of the children’s department at Knopf, had very much enjoyed her manuscript “When Grandma Was a Little Girl” and wanted the...
The People and the Word: Reading Native Nonfiction
Focusing on autobiographical writings and critical essays, as well as communally authored and political documents, The People and the Word: Reading Native Non-Fiction explores how the Native tradition of nonfiction has both encompassed and dissected Native experiences.Buy Now! Author: Robert WarriorPublisher: University of...
The Underground Reservation: Osage Oil
The Underground Reservation: Osage Oil explores the impacts that sudden wealth from the discovery of oil on their land had on the Oklahama Osage, making them financially better off than other Native Americans because of their tribally held oil and gas rights. This is an insightful study based on a variety of sources. Buy...
The Osage: An Ethnohistorical Study of Hegemony on the Prairie-Plains
The Osage were a powerful group of Native Americans who lived along the prairies and plains of present-day Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Despite their power and critical role, however, little has been written about them. In The Osage: An Ethnohistorical Study of Hegemony on the Prairie-Plains, Willard Rollings shows how the...
The Osages: Children of the Middle Waters
The Osages: Children of the Middle Waters is an account of the Osages, a Siouan tribe once centered in the area now occupied by St. Louis, later on small streams in southwestern Missouri and southeastern Kansas, and then in northeastern Oklahoma. Here is a brief overview of the book and author John Joseph Matthews. Buy Now!...
Osage Indian Customs and Myths
Siouan peoples who migrated from the Atlantic coastal region and settled in the central portion of North America long before the arrival of Europeans are now known as Osage. Osage Indian Customs and Myths conveys the richness of Osage beliefs and associated ceremonial practices. Here is a brief overview of the book and author Louis F....
A History of the Osage People
A History of The Osage People traces 400 years of Osage culture from prehistoric times to the group’s current status as an officially recognized tribe. This rich scholarly work includes information about the period of the 1860s when the Ingalls family moved to the Osage Diminished Reserve and were part of an illegal rush of settlers...
Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books continue to inspire generations of young readers. They are classics in American children’s literature. But for young readers who want to know more about Laura Ingalls Wilder, the books below can enrich their reading and educational experiences with different perspectives on the Ingalls and...
Recommended Reading for Adults
As a researcher and biographer of Laura Ingalls Wilder, I’ve found the work of other Wilder authors and scholars both essential and illuminating. Listed below are titles that explore different areas of her life and work, often bringing entirely new and unexpected interpretations to a wide range of Wilder topics. The list includes...
The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder: Biographies of her Life and Times
Laura Ingalls Wilder said, “All I have told is true, but it’s not the whole truth.” She was right – her Little House books provide a window into her experiences growing up in the 19th century amid the hardships of the Great Plains. But her life and legacy extend far beyond the books she wrote. Throughout her life, Wilder saved her early...
Little House Books for Readers of All Ages
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s vast literary legacy has captivated readers of all ages. This specially curated list should help you find the perfect book for your Little House fan, no matter their age.Pre-Reading and Picture BooksMy First Little House Board Books: The very youngest readers can share in the Little House adventures with these...
Books About the Osage People
Siouan peoples who migrated from the Atlantic coastal region and settled in the central portion of the North American continent long before the arrival of Europeans are now known as Osage. The vibrant history of the Osage is that of a proud, spiritual people known for being bold warriors and skilled hunters and farmers. We are pleased...
My First Little House Books
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of My First Little House Books.A Little House Picture Book Treasury: Six Stories of Life on the Prairie...
Crafting on the Prairie: A Little House Craft Book Roundup
During long winter days, Laura and her sisters would stay inside. With no television, crafting would have been a quiet hobby to keep them busy. Whether crafting, sewing, quilting or creating, the Ingalls family would have created both ornaments for their home as well as necessary items like blankets and clothing. The craft books below...
Eating Like a Pioneer: Little House Cookbooks
Have you ever wondered what the pioneers ate? Surprisingly, a number of the current staple recipes in American households aren’t that different. Fire up your oven and tie on your apron as you explore the wonderful recipes inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writings.A gorgeous hardcover edition of the award-winning cookbook The Little...
Memoirs by the Little House Cast
From its first pilot broadcast, the "Little House on the Prairie" TV series has captivated audiences across the world. Fans of the show have helped it to live on, attending conventions and meeting with the stars to talk about their experiences. For their part, several of the cast members have documented their time on the show and their...
Books by William Anderson
Author and historian William Anderson was introduced to the Wilder books in elementary school, as were millions of other American children. Today, he is one of the foremost historians of the Ingalls family and his groundbreaking research has resulted in many books, which we have detailed below. Anderson also serves as a director of the...
Books by Rose Wilder Lane
In the history of literature, there’s nothing quite like the relationship between Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter, the journalist Rose Wilder Lane. One of the most remarkable things about the Little House books is how the series grew out of their close and often contentious relationship. Even before their collaboration, Rose was...
The Rose Wilder Lane Series
Roger Lea MacBride, the “adopted grandson” and heir of Rose Wilder Lane, was born in New Rochelle, New York in 1929. His father, Burt MacBride, was an editor for Reader’s Digest when Rose wrote for the magazine, and he introduced his teenage son to the author. Roger loved to listen to Rose’s stories and political theories, and the two...
Create Your Own Little House in the Big Woods Diorama
Create your own Little House in the Big Woods scene with these beautiful downloadable dioramas by artist Renée Graef.Download the Pepin, Wisconsin diorama here and the Big Woods log cabin here. Once you’re ready to get started assembling, follow along with these diorama instructions: Step One: You will need scissors and tape handy. You...
Prairie Man: My Little House Life and Beyond
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Prairie Man: My Little House Life and Beyond.Buy Now!Author: Dean Butler Publisher: Citadel (June 25, 2024)...
Back to the Prairie: A Home Remade, A Life Rediscovered
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Back to the Prairie: A Home Remade, A Life Rediscovered.Buy Now! Author: Melissa GilbertPublisher: Gallery...
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide
Our articles about recently-released books are great resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and her Little House books. Here is a brief overview about The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide.Buy Now! Author: Annette WhipplePublisher: Chicago Review Press (August 4, 2020) Synopsis:Eager young...
Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts
Our articles about recently-released books are great resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and her Little House books. Here is a brief overview about Pioneer Girl: The Revised Texts.Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderEditor: Nancy Tystad KoupalPublisher: South Dakota State Hist Society Pr; Annotated edition...
Bright Lights, Prairie Dust: Reflections on Life, Loss, and Love from Little House’s Ma
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Bright Lights, Prairie Dust: Reflections on Life, Loss, and Love from Little House's Ma by Karen Grassle.Buy...
Walnut Grove Hits Home: Prairie Values for the Modern Family
Our articles about recently released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Walnut Grove Hits Home: Prairie Values for the Modern Family by Alicia Hogan Murphy.Buy Now! Author: Alicia Hogan MurphyPublisher: Bear Manor Media (June 19, 2021)...
Almanzo Wilder: A “Very Special” Perfect Young Man
I met my first book crush when I was seven. He was handsome and courageous, driving Laura home every week from the depressing (and dangerous) Brewster’s house. He was quiet, but when he did speak, he always said the perfect thing. Almanzo Wilder was the multi-talented farmer boy who could brave a raging blizzard to save a starving...
In Search of Laura – About Laura Ingalls Wilder
Who is the real Laura Ingalls? Is she the smart, strong, and resourceful fictional character of the Little House books? Or is she the more mature and somewhat worldly Laura Ingalls of Pioneer Girl? Or perhaps she’s the character that actress Melissa Gilbert created in the “Little House on the Prairie” television series.And what about...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: An American Fixture
In 1942, literary agent George Bye received the final manuscript from a client he had reluctantly decided to represent twelve years earlier, an author whose first work, a memoir for adults, had left him uninspired. But she had found her voice as a children’s book writer, and Bye felt deeply moved and stirred by her eighth and final...
Ketty Lester: From The Cotton Fields To Grammy Nominated “Love Letters” to “Little House on the Prairie”
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Ketty Lester: From The Cotton Fields To Grammy Nominated "Love Letters" to Little House on the Prairie.Buy...
Laura Ingalls Wilder Historical Timeline
Ever wonder about the chronology of events in Laura’s life and the historical context surrounding her experiences? The two timelines below weave some of her major life events with interesting historical milestones in literature, politics, science, and technology.Interactive Timeline Below is the interactive timeline, which allows you to...
Laura Ingalls Wilder Documentary
Little House on the Prairie: The Legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder is a one-hour documentary that goes beyond the famed Little House book series to the behind-the-scenes, true life story of one of America’s most iconic authors, Laura Ingalls Wilder.Wilder’s personal story as a writer, wife and mother is a compelling narrative that has...
Historical Perspective or Racism in Little House on the Prairie?
Imagine you are reading a book that you loved as a child, perhaps you are reading it to your young child, or that you are reading it for the very first time. You come across the words “the only good Indian was a dead Indian.” Do you put the book down in horror, shocked by the cultural insensitivity of the author? Do you decry the author...
About The Ingalls Family
Thanks to the cozy, warm, and affectionate portrayal of the Ingalls family across all kinds of media platforms around the world, many people think of Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, Carrie, Grace, Almanzo, and even Jack the bulldog as part of their family. However, that raises the question of what version of the Ingalls family people relate to...
Where the World is Topsy-Turvy: Rose Wilder Lane after the Great War
It was a faith that made one humble, and a little ashamed… Rose Wilder Lane, “The Children’s Crusade,” Good Housekeeping, November 1920.In the spring of 1920, not long after “The War to End War” staggered to its empty close, Rose Wilder Lane boarded the ship St. Paul in New York and steamed for Paris. Recently divorced, hungry for new...
Red Tail Feathers: Dare to Discover the Beauty of Grace
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Red Tail Feathers: Dare to Discover the Beauty of Grace.Buy Now! Author: Wendi Lou LeePublisher:...
A Prairie Devotional
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of A Prairie Devotional.Buy Now! Author: Wendi Lou LeeIllustrator: Steven NoblePublisher: Thomas Nelson...
Historic Locations and Points of Interest
Laura Ingalls Wilder traveled extensively throughout Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, Missouri, and beyond. We have compiled a list of the historic sites and museums related to Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie, as well as other points of interest. Please click below to go directly to the listings in...
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Me: A Prairie Girl’s Faith
As a child, I learned my Bible lessons by heart, in the good old-fashioned way, and once won the prize for repeating correctly . . . verses from the Bible. —Laura Ingalls WilderI would never have written A Prairie Girl’s Faith: The Spiritual Legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder if Spring Ridge School hadn’t consolidated with Oak Ridge school...
Illustrating Little House
In the early 1990s, HarperCollins Publishers launched the My First Little House Books program to introduce toddlers and young children to the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder. They began a search for an illustrator who had a similar style to that of the beloved illustrator, Garth Williams.My illustration agent, Merial Cornell, was showing...
You Need a Farm! Laura Ingalls Wilder and American Farming
A farmer depends on himself, and the land and the weather. If you’re a farmer, you raise what you eat, you raise what you wear, and you keep warm with wood out of your own timber. You work hard, but you work as you please, and no man can tell you to go or come. You’ll be free and independent, son, on a farm. —Farmer Boy“Those who labor...
Caroline Ingalls – What Laura Left Unsaid
Seven years ago this month, I was terrified, my finger poised over the send button on an email to Little House Heritage Trust. —Author, Sarah MillerI’d done my homework — read hundreds of feet of microfilm containing thousands of pages of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s handwritten manuscripts, her then-unpublished memoir, Pioneer Girl, and...
The Beautiful Snow
Our articles about recently released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Beautiful Snow: The Ingalls Family, The Railroads, and the Hard Winter of 1880-81. Buy Now! Author: Cindy WilsonPublisher: Beaver's Pond Press (February 7,...
A Prairie Girl’s Faith: The Spiritual Legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our articles about recently released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of A Prairie Girl’s Faith: The Spiritual Legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder.Buy Now! Author: Stephen W. HinesPublisher: WaterBrook (February 6, 2018) Synopsis:The beloved...
Young Pioneers
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Young Pioneers. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder LaneIllustrator: Dan AndreasenPublisher:...
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our articles about recently released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder.Buy Now! Author: Caroline FraserPublisher: Metropolitan Books (November 14, 2017) Synopsis:The first...
Little House on the Prairie Crossword Puzzle Printable
How much do you know about Little House on the Prairie and Laura Ingalls Wilder? We have a fun way for you test your knowledge and learn something new with a Little House on the Prairie Crossword Puzzle printable. You can download the Little House on the Prairie Crossword Puzzle printable here. Below you’ll find some clues to the...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: Naturalist
Rabbits stood up with paws dangling, long ears twitching, and their round eyes staring at Mary and Laura. —On the Banks of Plum CreekI’d like to suggest a thought experiment. Instead of categorizing Laura Ingalls Wilder as an American children’s author, think of her as a nature writer as well. Take her titles. The Little House books...
Pioneer Girl and Pioneer Boy Paper Doll Printables
After the day’s work was done, Ma sometimes cut paper dolls for them. She cut the dolls out of stiff white paper and drew the faces with a pencil. Then from bits of colored paper, she cut dresses and hats, ribbons and laces, so that Laura and Mary could dress their dolls beautifully. —Little House in the Big WoodsLaura and Mary enjoyed...
Caroline: Little House, Revisited
Our articles about recently released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Caroline: Little House, Revisited.Buy Now! Author: Sarah MillerPublisher: William Morrow (September 19, 2017) Synopsis:In this novel authorized by the Little House...
The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Frontier Landscapes that Inspired the Little House Books
Our articles about recently-released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Frontier Landscapes that Inspired the Little House Books. Buy Now! Author: Marta McDowellPublisher: Timber Press (September...
Woman’s Day Book of American Needlework
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Woman’s Day Book of American Needlework. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder Lane Publisher: Literary...
The Dancer of Sahmakha
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Dancer of Sahmakha. Buy Now! Author: Armen Ohanian (translated from French by Rose Wilder Lane)...
Henry Ford’s Own Story: How a Farmer Boy Rose to the Power That Goes With Many Millions, Yet Never Lost Touch With Humanity, As Told to Rose Wilder Lane
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Henry Ford's Own Story: How a Farmer Boy Rose to the Power That Goes With Many Millions, Yet Never...
The Making of Herbert Hoover
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Making of Herbert Hoover. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder Lane Publisher: Fabri Press (March 25,...
The Story of Art Smith
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Story of Art Smith. Buy Now! Authors: Rose Wilder Lane and Art SmithPublisher: Nabu Press...
Let the Hurricane Roar
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Let the Hurricane Roar. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder LanePublisher: Harper Trophy (September,...
Old Home Town
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Old Home Town. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder LanePublisher: Bison Books; Reprint edition...
The Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder Lane...
Give Me Liberty
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Give Me Liberty. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder Lane Publisher: Kessinger Publishing (September 10,...
Free Land
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Free Land. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder LanePublisher: Bison Books; Reprint edition (October 1,...
Diverging Roads
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Diverging Roads. Buy Now! Author: Rose Wilder LanePublisher: Andesite Press (August 21, 2017)...
Travels With Zenobia: Paris to Albania by Model T Ford: A Journal
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Travels With Zenobia: Paris to Albania by Model T Ford: A Journal. Buy Now! Authors: Rose Wilder Lane...
Dorothy Thompson and Rose Wilder Lane: Forty Years of Friendship, Letters, 1921-1960
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Dorothy Thompson and Rose Wilder Lane: Forty Years of Friendship, Letters, 1921-1960. Buy Now!...
The Rediscovered Writings of Rose Wilder Lane, Literary Journalist
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Rediscovered Writings of Rose Wilder Lane, Literary Journalist. Buy Now! Author: Rose...
Little House in the Big Woods
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House in the Big Woods.Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and...
Farmer Boy
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Farmer Boy. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and Garth...
Little House on the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House on the Prairie. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and...
On the Banks of Plum Creek
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of On the Banks of Plum Creek. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and Garth...
By the Shores of Silver Lake
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of By the Shores of Silver Lake.Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and Garth...
The Long Winter
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Long Winter. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and Garth...
Little Town on the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little Town on the Prairie.Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and Garth...
These Happy Golden Years
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of These Happy Golden Years. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and...
The First Four Years
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The First Four Years. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and Garth...
On the Way Home: The Diary of a Trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri in 1894
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of On the Way Home: The Diary of a Trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri in 1894. Buy Now!...
Little House Treasury
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House Treasury. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderIllustrators: Helen Sewell and...
Little House Sisters: Collected Stories from the Little House Books
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House Sisters: Collected Stories from the Little House Books. Buy Now! Author: Laura...
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: The World’s Fair
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: The World’s Fair. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L....
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: The Great Debate
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: The Great Debate. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L. Tedrow...
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Mountain Miracle
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Mountain Miracle. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L....
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Missouri Homestead
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Missouri Homestead. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L. Tedrow...
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Land of Promise
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Land of Promise. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L. Tedrow Publisher:...
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Home to the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Home to the Prairie. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L. Tedrow...
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Good Neighbors
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Good Neighbors. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L. Tedrow Publisher:...
The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Children of Promise
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Days of Laura Ingalls Wilder Series: Children of Promise. Buy Now! Author: Thomas L. Tedrow...
On the Other Side of the Hill
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of On the Other Side of the Hill. Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: David...
Little Town in the Ozarks
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little Town in the Ozarks.Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: David GilleecePublisher:...
Little House on Rocky Ridge
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House on Rocky Ridge. Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: David...
Little Farm in the Ozarks
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little Farm in the Ozarks. Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: David...
In the Land of the Big Red Apple
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of In the Land of the Big Red Apple. Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: David...
On The Banks of the Bayou
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of On The Banks of the Bayou. Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: Dan...
New Dawn on Rocky Ridge
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of New Dawn on Rocky Ridge . Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBride Illustrator: Dan Andreasen Publisher:...
Bachelor Girl
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Bachelor Girl.Buy Now! Author: Roger Lea MacBrideIllustrator: Dan AndreasenPublisher: HarperCollins...
Wilder in the West: Eliza Jane’s Story of a Lady Homesteader
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Wilder in the West: Eliza Jane’s Story of a Lady Homesteader. Buy Now! Author: William...
The Walnut Grove Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Walnut Grove Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: William AndersonPublisher:...
Story of the Wilders
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Story of the Wilders. Buy Now! Author: William AndersonPublisher: Anderson Publications...
The Story of the Ingalls
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Story of the Ingalls.Buy Now! Author: William AndersonPublisher: Anderson Publications (June 1971)...
Little House Country: A Photo Guide to the Home Sites of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House Country: A Photo Guide to the Home Sites of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author:...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Iowa Story
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Iowa Story. Buy Now! Author: William AndersonPublisher: Laura...
Old Town in the Green Groves
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Old Town in the Green Groves. Buy Now! Author: Cynthia RylantPublisher: HarperCollins (January...
Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder (About the Author)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder (About the Author). Buy Now! Author: S. Ward Publisher: PowerKids Press...
Laura: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Donald Zochert Publisher: Avon (May 1, 1977)...
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little Town: Where History and Literature Meet
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little Town: Where History and Literature Meet. Buy Now! Author: John E....
Laura Ingalls Wilder: Teacher and Author (Ferguson’s Career Biographies)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: Teacher and Author (Ferguson’s Career Biographies). Buy Now! Author: Lucia...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: Real-Life Pioneer of the Little House Books (People to Know)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: Real-Life Pioneer of the Little House Books (People to Know). Buy Now! Author:...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical, Biographical, and Teaching Studies
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical, Biographical, and Teaching Studies. Buy...
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Young at Heart)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder (Young at Heart). Buy Now! Authors: Jill C. Wheeler and Rosemary Wallner...
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Songbook: Favorite Songs from the Little House Books
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Laura Ingalls Wilder Songbook: Favorite Songs from the Little House Books.Buy Now! Authors:...
Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder (History Alive Through Music)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder (History Alive Through Music). Buy Now! Author: William...
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Welcome Books: Real People)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder (Welcome Books: Real People). Buy Now! Author: Pamela Walker Publisher:...
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Rookie Biographies)
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder (Rookie Biographies). Buy Now! Author: Wil Mara Publisher: Children's Press...
Ingalls Wilder Family Songbook
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Ingalls Wilder Family Songbook. Buy Now! Editor: Dale CockrellPublisher: A-R Editions, Inc....
The Heroine’s Bookshelf: Life Lessons, from Jane Austen to Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Heroine’s Bookshelf: Life Lessons, from Jane Austen to Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Erin...
Little House on the Prairie From A to Z
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House on the Prairie From A to Z. Buy Now! Author: Patrick LoubatièrePublisher: Imavision...
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Gwenda BlairIllustrator: Thomas B. AllenPublisher: G.P....
Little House in the Ozarks: The Rediscovered Writings
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House in the Ozarks: The Rediscovered Writings. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls...
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Farm Journalist: Writings from the Ozarks
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Farm Journalist: Writings from the Ozarks. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls...
Writings to Young Women on Laura Ingalls Wilder – Volume Three: As Told by her Family, Friends, and Neighbors
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Writings to Young Women on Laura Ingalls Wilder - Volume Three: As Told by her Family, Friends, and...
Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder – Volume Two: On Life As a Pioneer Woman
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder - Volume Two: On Life As a Pioneer Woman. Buy Now!...
Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder – Volume One: On Wisdom & Virtues
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder – Volume One: On Wisdom & Virtues. Buy Now!...
West From Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of West From Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915.Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Little House Books, Volume 2
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Little House Books, Volume 2. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Little House Books, Volume 1
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Little House Books, Volume 1. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder Editor:...
I Remember Laura
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of I Remember Laura. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderEditor: Stephen HinesPublisher: Thomas...
A Little House Sampler
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of A Little House Sampler. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderEditor: William T....
The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie.Buy Now! Author: Wendy...
Little Lodges on the Prairie: Freemasonry and Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little Lodges on the Prairie: Freemasonry and Laura Ingalls Wilder.Buy Now! Author: Teresa...
Libertarians on the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Libertarians on the Prairie. Buy Now! Author: Christine WoodsidePublisher: Arcade Publishing ...
Little House, Long Shadow: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Impact on American Culture
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little House, Long Shadow: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Impact on American Culture. Buy Now! Author:...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: American Writer on the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: American Writer on the Prairie. Buy Now! Author: Sallie KetchamPublisher:...
Horn Book’s Laura Ingalls Wilder: Articles About and By Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams, and the Little House Books
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Horn Book’s Laura Ingalls Wilder: Articles About and By Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams, and the...
Laura Ingalls Wilder Country: The People and Places in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Life and Books
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder Country: The People and Places in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Life and Books. ...
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane: Authorship, Place, Time, and Culture
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane: Authorship, Place, Time, and Culture. Buy Now!...
From Little Houses to Little Women: Revisiting A Literary Childhood
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of From Little Houses to Little Women: Revisiting A Literary Childhood. Buy Now! Author: Nancy...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography. Buy Now! Author: William AndersonPublisher: HarperCollins...
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Emma Carlson Berne Publisher: Abdo Publishing Company...
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author and Illustrator: Alexandra Wallner Publisher: Scholastic...
American Legends: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of American Legends: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Editor: Charles River Editors Publisher:...
A Wilder Rose
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of A Wilder Rose. Buy Now! Author: Susan Wittig AlbertPublisher: Lake Union Publishing (March 17,...
Laura’s Album: A Remembrance Scrapbook
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura’s Album: A Remembrance Scrapbook. Buy Now! Editor: William Anderson Publisher: HarperCollins...
A Little House Reader: A Collection of Writings by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of A Little House Reader: A Collection of Writings by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Laura...
The World of Little House
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The World of Little House. Buy Now! Authors: Carolyn Strom Collins and Christina Wyss...
The Little House Cookbook: Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Classic Stories
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Little House Cookbook: Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories. Buy Now!...
The Little House Guidebook
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Little House Guidebook. Buy Now! Author: William AndersonIllustrator: Leslie A....
Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder: Little House and Beyond
Our articles about recently released books are good resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder: Little House and Beyond. Buy Now! Co-editor: Miranda A. Green-Barteet Co-editor: Anne K. Phillips Publisher: University Press of...
Ed Friendly’s Life and Legacy
About Ed Friendly Ed Friendly was born in Manhattan on April 8, 1922. He spent his formative summers on a ranch in Idaho where he fell in love with horses and the American West. He served as an Army captain in the Pacific during World War II. After the war, he worked in New York in advertising, produced and directed radio and television...
A Little House Picture Book Treasury: Six Stories of Life on the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of A Little House Picture Book Treasury: Six Stories of Life on the Prairie. Buy Now! Author: Laura...
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderEditor:...
Diary of a Stage Mother’s Daughter: A Memoir
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Diary of a Stage Mother's Daughter: A Memoir.Buy Now! Author: Melissa FrancisPublisher: Weinstein Books...
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Country Cookbook
Many books are popular resources for readers interested in activities associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Laura Ingalls Wilder Country Cookbook. Buy Now! Authors: Laura Ingalls Wilder and William T. AndersonPhotographer: Leslie A. KellyPublisher: HarperCollins...
Quilting with Laura: Patterns Inspired by the “Little House on the Prairie” Series
Many books are popular resources for readers interested in activities associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Quilting with Laura: Patterns Inspired by the "Little House on the Prairie" Series. Buy Now! Author: Linda HalpinPublisher: RCW Publishing Company (November 1,...
Prairie Quilts: Projects for the Home Inspired by the Life and Times of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Many books are popular resources for readers interested in activities associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Prairie Quilts: Projects for the Home Inspired by the Life and Times of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Johanna WilsonPublisher: Krause Publications (July...
The Way I See It: A Look Back at My Life on Little House
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of The Way I See It: A Look Back at My Life on Little House. Buy Now! Author: Melissa Anderson Publisher: Globe...
Prairie Tale: A Memoir
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Prairie Tale: A Memoir. Buy Now! Author: Melissa GilbertPublisher: Gallery Books (February 16, 2010)...
My Prairie Cookbook: Memories and Frontier Food from My Little House to Yours
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of My Prairie Cookbook: Memories and Frontier Food from My Little House to Yours. Buy Now! Author: Melissa...
Little House in the Hollywood Hills: A Bad Girl’s Guide to Becoming Miss Beadle, Mary X, and Me
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Little House in the Hollywood Hills: A Bad Girl’s Guide to Becoming Miss Beadle, Mary X, and Me.Buy Now!...
Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the Little House on the Prairie TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated.Buy Now! Author:...
Lessons from the Prairie: The Surprising Secrets to Happiness, Success, and (Sometimes Just) Survival I Learned on America’s Favorite Show
Books and articles by and about the actors who starred in the "Little House on the Prairie" TV series provide a behind-the-scenes look at the show and how it affected the lives of the people making it. Here is a brief overview of Lessons from the Prairie: The Surprising Secrets to Happiness, Success, and (Sometimes Just) Survival I...
Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Pioneer Girl Perspectives: Exploring Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Editor: Nancy Tystad...
Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder?
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder? Buy Now! Author: Patricia Brennan Demuth Illustrator: Tim Foley...
Pioneer Girl: The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Pioneer Girl: The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: William AndersonIllustrator:...
Searching for Laura Ingalls
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Searching for Laura Ingalls. Buy Now! Authors: Kathryn Lasky and Meribah KnightPublisher:...
Little Author in the Big Woods: A Biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Little Author in the Big Woods: A Biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Yona...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: Storyteller of the Prairie
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: Storyteller of the Prairie. Buy Now! Author: Ginger Wadsworth Publisher: Lerner...
The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Buy Now! Author: Laura Ingalls WilderEditor:...
Dr. George A. Tann, Pioneer Physician and Neighbor to the Ingalls
Some of you may recall the doctor who helped the Ingalls family when they fell ill in Chapter 15, “Fever ‘N’ Ague” of Little House on the Prairie. He was based on George A. Tann, a pioneer, physician, and neighbor of the Ingalls family. We are excited to explore the real-life of Dr. George A. Tann.Late summer in the Midwest is hot,...
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life
Our Recommended Reading for Children & Young Adults and Recommended Reading for Adults articles have been popular resources for readers interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie. Here is a brief overview of Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer’s Life. Buy Now! Author: Pamela Smith...
The Little House Books: A Lesson in Money 101
The Little House book series conveys messages about family, community, perseverance, courage, and a variety of values. The Ingalls family is no stranger to hardship, especially financial strain. Readers of the Little House books can see Pa Ingalls evolve from a young ambitious father to a mature patriarch regarding the family’s...
The House on Rocky Ridge Farm: Preserved, not Restored
Laura Ingalls Wilder was a teacher, seamstress, farmer’s wife, journalist, farm loan administrator, and an author. It was her role as writer of the Little House books that brought her lasting fame. And another job. She was the first, but unofficial, tour guide at her home on Rocky Ridge Farm near Mansfield, Missouri.Readers of...
From “Unlearned Poet” to “Untutored Housewife”: Samuel Worthen Ingalls and Laura Ingalls Wilder
As a child who’d practically memorized the Little House book series, I was entranced by the idea of Laura Ingalls Wilder as an “untutored housewife,” whose fiction suddenly sprang to life fully formed when she was in her sixties. As an adult, I learned that the widespread notion that Wilder was a self-taught genius with no training as a...
Six Can’t Miss Things to Do and See in De Smet, South Dakota
In my younger years—with no husband in sight—I joked that whomever I married must be willing to take a honeymoon trip to all of the Little House sites. When I did find my own “beau,” he was, ironically, a farmer—quite a foreigner to this suburban Boston girl. Although love was the catalyst for relocating from my longtime New England...
Miss Beadle and Me
By about the late 2000s, I had lived a lot of life, but I hadn’t written any of it down. Even though I’d been in the middle of some of Hollywood’s most celebrated and controversial decades (the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s), it never occurred to me that anything I’d done or seen was worth putting on paper. And then several things began to make...
One More Visit to the Little House: The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder
I’d like to write to the folks in Wisconsin [Ma said to Pa] If you mail a letter now, they can write this winter, and then we can hear from them next spring. —Little House on the Prairie These words, read to my third grade classroom, made a lasting impression on me. I thought to myself: “The pioneers had to wait that long for a...
Wendi Lou Lee: Finding Grace in Every Chapter of Life
I was introduced to grace at an exceptionally young age. My sister and I landed the role of Baby Grace Ingalls as infants, and before long we responded to our new identity with ease. I’m still surprised how my toddler-self knew when to be Baby Grace and when to be Wendi. It’s safe to say, I don’t have many memories of our first three...
About Caroline Ingalls (“Ma”)
Caroline Lake Quiner Ingalls is known to Laura fans around the world simply as Ma. Her comforting presence was spread far beyond her own family circle by her featured place in the Little House books and the “Little House on the Prairie” TV show. In a way she has become everyone’s Ma; a comforting and cozy presence of reassurance in all...
Thanksgiving and Laura Ingalls Wilder
When you think of Thanksgiving, pioneer Laura Ingalls Wilder is probably not the first image that comes to mind, but maybe it should be. Most of the traditions that we associate with Thanksgiving, including tracing it back to the Pilgrims, began with the pioneers and the Victorians.Onion vs. Sage The most famous Laura Ingalls Wilder...
“Mother, a Magic Word” by Laura Ingalls Wilder
“Mother” was indeed a magic word to Laura Ingalls Wilder for, though Pa Ingalls occupies front-and-center attention in the Little House books, Ma is right there too, as the one who trained her daughters in domestic matters and educated them. It is a wonder that she lived to a ripe old age of 84, outliving Pa by twenty years. As his...
My Little House Crafts Book Review
Throughout the Little House books, the Ingalls family stays busy day in and day out making their home cozy and safe. Many of their daily activities were done out of necessity but they also created beautiful playthings, and added ornamental charm to an otherwise simple life. Over a dozen of those crafts are presented in My Little House...
Little House on the Prairie Preschool Printables – FREE!
Preschool is such a fun and busy age, with lots of learning opportunities for children. These exclusive Little House on the Prairie printables for preschoolers and kindergarten kids will help you keep those curious minds busy. Whether you’re doing a Little House on the Prairie unit study with a wide range of ages, or just want to keep...
In the Kitchen with Laura Ingalls Wilder
There are many different ways to be a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan. Some people research topics in depth. Some people wear a sunbonnet and buy a Charlotte doll. Some people try to get autographs from as many actors/actresses from the “Little House on the Prairie” TV show as they can. I’ve done some of all of those things, but the most...
Laura’s Frontier Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, sixty years ago, a little girl lived in the Big Woods of Wisconsin, in a little gray house made of logs. —Little House in the Big WoodsScholars of myth, child psychology and literature as diverse as Joseph Campbell, Bruno Bettelheim and Marina Warner argue that, ultimately, the primary purpose of myth and fairy tale is...
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Artistic Development
As a child, I loved many children’s book characters—Louisa May Alcott’s Jo, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne, and Maud Hart Lovelace’s Betsy—because, like me, they wanted to be writers.[1] But it never occurred to me that the Little House series also tells a story of artistic development. Especially in the later books, Wilder focuses on the...
About Caroline “Carrie” Ingalls Swanzey
Carrie Ingalls, born Caroline Celestia Ingalls on August 3, 1870, to Charles (“Pa”) and Caroline (“Ma”) Ingalls, is best known as the younger sister of Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie books. Carrie is only a baby in the first book, Little House in the Big Woods, but her presence and interactions with...
Profile about Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Homes in De Smet, South Dakota
Today we are excited to bring you an in-depth look at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Homes in De Smet, South Dakota. This is part of our on-going series highlighting popular historic locations and sites related to Little House on the Prairie. If you are in the area during the summer, you will want to make sure to see the annual Laura...
Pioneer Kitchen Gardens: How the Pioneers Planned and Planted
For many of us, gardening is a hobby or even a passion. But there are many people leading perfectly satisfying lives without ever having a garden. It hasn’t always been this way. Gardening is depicted as a normal facet of life in the “Little House on the Prairie” television show and book series, because each settler needed a garden in...
Little House Ink and Envelopes
One of the greatest things about reading the Little House books with children is introducing topics such as resourcefulness and conservation. Items like pens and blank paper were luxuries not readily available to the Ingalls family. Homemade Ink & Envelopes Often, pioneers had to make their own ink and letter envelopes and you can...
To Read and Write and Cipher
In On the Banks of Plum Creek, Laura is reluctant to go to school for the first time, but Pa tells her she should appreciate the opportunity: “…it isn’t everybody that gets a chance to learn to read and write and cipher,” he says. Pa explains that education is important to the family. “Your Ma was a school-teacher when we met, and when...
Pa’s Fiddle: Now Is Now
When Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote the final scene in her last Little House book for young readers, she gave the closing lines to Pa’s fiddle and its music. Laura and Almanzo’s wedding day has come to a close and the young couple sits on the doorstep of their own little house. In her memory, Laura hears “the voice of Pa’s fiddle and the...
Free Quilt-Themed Language Arts Printables
…the beds were neat under their patchwork quilts. The rays of the setting sun came through the windows and filled the house with golden light. —Little House on the PrairieCharacter Development Printable Worksheet Use this character development worksheet to help your students demonstrate something interesting about themselves, or their...
Melissa Francis: Lessons from the Prairie
Cassandra Cooper: “I want homework.”Caroline Ingalls: “What?”Cassandra Cooper: “I want homework!”Caroline Ingalls: “Well, if you want homework, you’re gonna have to go to school.” —The Lost Ones: Part 2The sign-in sheet read “Little House on the Prairie,” but to me, this audition would be just like any other. At the age of eight, I had...
The Little House Cookbook Review
You can't help but think about food as you read through the Little House books - so much of a pioneer's life revolved around growing and acquiring food on a seasonal cycle. Indeed, large passages of the books are dedicated to the description of food and meals. So it's no surprise that one of the books inspired by the Little House series...
Grown-Up Laura Ingalls Wilder Party
There are many different kinds of Laura fans. No matter what their specific interest, most fans love to “play Laura.” What better way to play Laura than with a party? There are several different ways to theme a Laura party. Today we’re going to look at how to host a Bring Your Own Bonnet party, a party on the prairie.Olde Thyme Party...
Free Quilt-Themed Math Printables
…the beds were neat under their patchwork quilts. The rays of the setting sun came through the windows and filled the house with golden light. —Little House on the PrairieAs any quilter can tell you, quilting requires a strong foundation of math skills, including pattern recognition, sequencing, and measurement. The math principles that...